chapter 25

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I woke up to the sound of the garage door opening, bringing in the bright light from outside indicating that it was morning. I got up from the seat and felt a sudden cloth fell from my shoulder. I look down noticing it was the grey blanket. I then looked around and noticed how my seat was sent back all the way down.

Did he put down my seat and give me the blanket?I thought to myself

I look at the seat next to me and seen devin there sleeping. I then began to wonder who opened the garage gate. I put the blanket back on Devin since I didn't need it and exited the car. I walk out the garage outside to see someone I know. I walked out onto the driveway only to see the empty front driveway with devins car Parked in the middle.

"Morning Anna" I heard a fainty deep voice. I turned behind me and saw a figure inside the garage by the cabinets. It was Devins grandfather grabbing his golf sticks.

"Hello mr Knight" I said Bowing.

Omg did I just bow!!??

I looked back at Devins grandfather who was lookin at me like I'm weird but soon got over it. He then made his way back outside next to me.

"How did you sleep?" He asked me.

"We got locked out so I'm so sorry for using your car I told Devin-" I was cut off.

"It's okay it's better Inside then outside" he responded. A few seconds of silence passed.

"Hey there, say-" mr knight tried to find the right words"-would you like to go golfing before you leave back home?" He asked.

I stood there for a bit unsure what to say.

"Sure sir why not"I said not wanting to disappoint him for saying no. He nodded and began walking towards the a golf cart parked behind Devins car.

Where did the golf cart come from.

I turned back to Devin."Don't worry about Devin he'll be fine inside the car. He won't even wake up until 12 today" he's grandfather said signaling for me to follow him.

"What time is it sir ?" I asked him. We both got in the golf cart and bucked in.

"It's 9Am In the morning sweetie, now let go" he said Turing the cart on and began driving out the driveway. He drove on the side of the road . The street wasn't busy so not many cars passed by. Either way the golfing corse was literally a 8 minute drive on the cart.

"I didn't expect the golf corse to be so close" I told Devins grandfather. He chucked.

"Did you think I would drive a golf cart all the way to a gold course if it was miles away" he laughed and said sarcastically. I smiled at his little joke.

"Don't worry about getting golfing clothes the front desk lady would help you" he said grabbing his bag filled with golfing sticks. I followed behind Devins grandfather not trying to get lost.

"Hello ms Grin can you please help this lovely lady, who happens to be my grandsons girlfriend, she need to get golfing clothes" he said leaning on the desk.

The white lady with blond hair looked at him with her blue eyes. She look around her mid 20s. When she heard 'grandsons girlfriend' her eyes opened in shock.

"Oh my your grandson found a girl finally and a beautiful one too" she said grabbing a pair of keys on the desk and writing down on a chart. I smiled and just waited patiently. Devins grandfather nodded.

"Will he be joining today?" She asked exiting the front desk to stand beside me.

"Unfortunately not he's dead asleep after taking her on a date to the fair" he grandfather laughed. They both laughed which lead me to fake laugh with them since I didn't wanna seem weird.

The Princess And The Jerk: The Knights HeartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon