Chapter 26

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*Devins Provo *

She was there in the white car, I was sitting in the black one in the passenger seat. The windows were down from both cars. I felt bad for taking the blanket when I really should have given it to her. She sure is a handful though. I feel if I show her a bit of kindness I would never hear the end of it.

"I can't believe she really threw my slushy at random lady" I thought, I smiled at the memory.

"I also can't believe she went to hang out with a group of random guys as well...she for sure had the balls not to be shy"  I shook my head.

Suddenly the lights from the garage turned off.

"Devin" I heard a soft voice say. I looked through the back of the white car seat to look at Anna even though it was dark.

"What?" I told her

"Was that you who turned off the lights"she asked in a whisper soft tone.

"Are you serious Anna? The light automatically turn off if they dont sense movement in the garage and since were in the car it can't see us" I say, I saw a figure nod and lay back down. She didn't answer me back but instead I heard her stomach growl. I found it funny but it was also an excuse to start a conversation.

"Anna can you tell your stomach to lower it down. I'm trying to sleep" I said.

"Sorry I don't speak jerk try again later" She said trying to sound tuff. I laugh In my mind. I always thought she was cute.

Seconds past of complete silence. I couldn't sleep and was hungry myself.

"Do you want something to eat at McDonald's?" I said hoping she wasn't asleep. I saw as her head lifted up from the back.

"If your serious then yes" she said in a cute whisper tone.

I said okay throwing the grey blanket in the back and got off the car to grab the keys and open the garage door. I told her to get in the passenger seat and she did .

Of course she listens when it comes to food. I slightly laughed.

I got back in the car and about to drive off.

"Are you sure your grandmother won't mind you using her car?" Anna asked. I looked at her and saw eye bags forming under her eyes. She was tired.

"Well she locked us out plus I don't want to walk all the way to mine" I began to drive to McDonald's. I took a few glances as she stared outside the window taking in her surroundings. I saw as her pretty green eyes sparkled when passing my the street lights in her reflection of the window. I shook my head trying to forget about it.

Anna was beautiful. More like the definition of beautiful. When she smiled it causes me to smiled. She had a positive vibe to her but other times we have our disagreements. Sometimes I think I'm a complete dumbass for bringing her all the way here by blackmail. Other times I'm glad I did, since she seemed like a cool person. The radio was on and I saw Anna nod her head to the beat.

"It's a good song" I told her Trying to break the silence. She looked at me and I saw as her hair flowed over her shoulder and her eyes sparkle through the light.

"I've never heard it before but I'm liking it" Anna said looking down at the radio. I was in shock.

"How on earth do you not know this song" I asked her. The radio was playing and old but classic song. It was called "always and forever" by heatwave.

"I don't listen to these type of music I list more to instrumental" she said fixing her posture in the seat.

Did I say I she was a cool person?....well I take that back.

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