Chapter 3

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We just stood there at the front door. I was waiting for butler Joe to knocked on the door. A minute later someone opened the door

"Hello" a tall built man answered the door dressed in a suit. He had barely any hair. He was built somewhat and wore a working suit.

"Hi is this Betty Williams home" Joe said.

"Yes?" The man replied leaning on the doorway. I stood there peaking inside the house hoping it was bigger In the inside then out. I won't deny, it's big but nothing compared to my home. It was like the size of my library.

"I'm Joe, I'm here with miss Anastasia Richmond" he said then waiting for a reply. The man looked confused for a couple of seconds and had a surprised expression.

"Ohhhh I'm sorry, I'm Kevin William nice to meet you both" he said introducing himself and took out his hand out for a handshake. We both shook his hand. After shaking his hand I stood there surprised since I usually greet men with a curtsy. Now I feel like ...a man for shaking his hand in a non formal way.

"Come in" Mr William then gestured for us to come inside. Joe was behind trying to get our luggage, I tired to help him but he would never let me. Instead Mr William helped. As I walked I could hear my heels clicking the floor each step I took, We entered and I saw many pictures on desk, walls and the house was decent as I continued to look.

"This home is beautiful" I heard Joe say as he put down my last luggage inside and he turned to smile at Mr William. "Thank you sir" Mr Williams smiled.

I turn to Joe leaning close to his shoulder to whisper in his ear. "Joe how long will I be staying here?" I asked him in a whisper. The only answer I got was a shrug. Joe has been working for my family since he was 20 now he's in his 50s or 60s I'm not even sure. He's been a loyal butler and the best. I could trust him with any secret.

"Stay here, my wife's upstairs let me go get her"Mr William said before dashing upstairs.

"This home is okay" I whisper. Moving away from Joe's shoulder I look at the family pictures hanged on the walls. I took off my designer glasses to get a better look at everything.

"Joe do I really have to stay, I mean look at the conditions there living in.... it's decent but where are the guards, security and most importantly the chiefs!" said pointing around exaggerating. He shook his head in sigh.

"I'm sorry princess Anastasia but it's your fathers orders and I have to obey. Plus this house beautiful. Don't worry about your safety your highness and no one knows your here, your father made everyone sign a contract including your family." He said.

I never thought after a big eighteen birthday party I would be leaving the next day to be Hearing loud foot steps from upstairs a figure came running down.

"Oh Anastasiaaa!!! it's nice to finally meet you. You have grown so much I'm your aunt Betty" a woman came abruptly shaking my hand then hugged me. She squeezed me so tight I tried to get out of her grip. "WELCOME TO BEVERLY HILLS"

"Oh sorry" she said once noticing how she was strangling me. Betty looked a lot like my mother just slightly different but it seems like they could pass as twins.

"Hi......Betty" I said doing a curtsy. "Ohhhh noooo honey don't do thattt, your in A different country nowww forget your royal side back at home!!!" She said with a huge smile, I nodded.

"Your so pretty, your way prettier than a model. I've seen pictures of you online and your even more beautiful in person" she said squeezing my face cheeks.

"Thanks" I muttered rubbing the pain away once she let go. I looked back at Joe to see if he's watching the torture and disrespect I was being put through but all I could see was a pleasant smile coming from him.

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