16. (Sport's Festival)

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Sport's festival finally came to a start

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Sport's festival finally came to a start. With a noisy crowd to further put enthusiasm to the stage and rile the children up.

From inside the waiting room, Cale watched all sort of declaration of wars happen within his classmate's strongests until they were called to come out. So the class lined up and began to march out first as they are being introduced by present mic's ever so loud voice.

While Cale's 'family' are simply standing by the bleachers, their keen senses quickly found the little redhead from the sight of the students in the crowd.

The beautiful youth who seemed to stand out wherever he goes seemed to look like a lost Phoenix in the flock of ducklings in the pond. The mature lad, aging mentally 36 was placed in the middle of class 1-A

Cale sighed. Should he lose the round?


--human! Do your best! We prepared a poster of you!


Cale had to instinctively glare at the hyungs on the bleachers. A certain blonde male was smiling at him waving a hand, holding up a rolled paper like material that he suspects to be said poster that Raon was talking about.

The thought of that accursed thing that had his face on it being flaunted in the crowd already made him shudder.

One second they don't want me to use my ancient powers then on the next, they want me to do my best. What am I suppose to believe here?

He sighed in despair. Shoto, thinking that he was nervous, tapped his shoulder in respect.

Cale looked back towards him confused.

"Although I'm going to give my best here, I know you'll make it. Everyone will be watching you, Henituse-san." The bicolored young man's words of encouragement made another reason for Cale to lose all hope to slack off this game.

He held his forehead and sighed in frustration.

After Midnight explained the first phase of the game, everyone prepared themselves in the big passage of the racing course. On this round, everyone will be racing through some type of different obstacles. It is possible that quirk use in this phase will be necessary so while in line to prepare his ancient powers, Cale already weighed what he will do.

Counting down, Midnight finally signalled the start.

Everyone started running, but to most students' shock, ice crawled up their ankles and had them all stuck in the starting round. Cale had already used his wind to levitate, flying past his schoolmates and continued on foot when he was a little farther from the tunnel.

He simply jogged, reserving his energy while listening to present mic's announcements of what is going on in the front.

He was now racing with other students until robots appeared on the obstacle. Mic introduced it as a zero pointer robot that Shoto had easily froze and passed through.

Seeing the angle, Cale decided to use his wind again to pass by the frozen robots. He didn't want to fight the ones coming as well so it's better if he just use his flight to pass by every single obstacle.

Honestly speaking, it's actually the most practical ancient power to use right now.

-I'm also practical.

The ancient boulder spoke.

-So am I.

The thief added.

Cale only rolled his eyes. Then he found the second obstacle.

Feeling practical now?

He asked as he looked at the big hole made and the ropes attached to each end of the holes that will be used as the students' bridge to get to the other side.

The two ancient powers were quite so Cale decided to pass it again and decided to rest the ancient power for a while as he jogged.

On the third phase, the boulder seems to be rejoicing inside him.

But Cale quickly shut him up. "I have the indestructible shield. And you'reonly useful for other things." He said making the ancient cobblestone unable to continue.

The other ancient powers could be heard laughing. But Cale is clearly ignoring the voices in his head and still decided to use the sound of wind in order to increase his speed.

Preparing himself, wind embraced his body that had already became lighter as he ran past the landmine, towards the tunnel and finally, on the finish line.

"Congratulations Henituse Cale! You are in seventh place!" It was Midoriya who was smiling at him welcoming as soon as the redhead approached.

"Seventh?" I came too fast...

The redhead sighed with regret. He already slowed down for goodness sake! Why is he in the top ten? Are these people on purpose?

"I should have let myself be caught by Todoroki's ice on the first round." He muttered sadly.

Midoriya who heard him sweatdropped.

"Y-you don't like seventh place?" He asked nervously, watching the pissed off expression from the young noble.

"Thirtieth place is better. It attracts less attention." He bitterly replied.

Midoriya awkwardly tapped his shoulder trying to sympathise. Maybe it's because Cale is tired of being chased around for being famous which is why he didn't like his standing in the top ten. But for the greenette, showing himself and introducing himself to the word as a future hero is important. He promised All Might and he is willing to do his best for it.

"It's okay Henituse-san. Maybe you can... do it on the next phase?" He tried to encourage.

Cale sighed. "That's right. The next phase." He nodded.

"We-well! Goodluck!"

"Goodluck too."

As the two separated ways, few ideas began to generate out of Cale's mind. In order to avoid that tarpaulin falling open in Alberu's hands, he should pretend to put an effort while losing in the process.

Those guys are threatening him to participate properly by holding a big picture of him. Who even came up with that idea?

Cale looked up towards Alberu, Eruhaben and Choi han's location. Beside them stood another ominous presence that belonged to Ron. Ron smiled at him with the usual benign smile of his, sending shivers to Cale's spine.

Dammit. It's you, isn't it?

After his accusation, he turned his head back to see the crowd begin to fill the field. The race was finally over. The students were given a few minutes for other extra activities and rest for others.

Cale decided to rest easy for today and reserve his energy for later use. He only drank on some soda and found a comfortable seat beside Shoto who seems to be concentrating on the next round so he did not talk.

Cale like the silence that way. And the two only shared the bench quietly the entire duration of the games.


Awwiee it's been a month. Sorry guys, I even actually assumed that I already updated at least a chapter this month. Lol. Brain function gone bad.

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