09. (The Noble Student 3)

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After Cale had explained the situation, the two well known names in Roan apologized.

But they don't look sorry at all. In fact, they were really itching to stab someone with their own blades, making Cale less than thrilled to know his current circumstance.

That one is the most obvious thing that's confirmed in this entire trouble. The students were just as disturbed. To think that someone would actually raise their blades at the number one hero despite not being a villain was a shock.

"You should respect him." Cale added. "He is the symbol of peace in this country." He explained.

Raon looked up at him with wide wondering eyes. "What's a symbol of peace?" He asked.

"The strongest hero, I presume." Alberu mused while crossing his arms, his spear, set aside his own spacial bag while Choi Han placed the sword back to his sheath but didn't let go of the hilt yet as he cautiously looked at the odd looking students.

"Indeed, hyung." Cale nodded. "But as honored as I am to see the future sun of our empire, the light of our citizen and the great selfless crown prince of our beloved country--"

Cale paused the praises finding the smile the left Alberu's face reducing it into a cold, unpleased gaze towards his subject.

The redhead only gave him a smile and continued. "I think the school principal may have been wondering where you have roamed."

"That is true. Choi Han and I will be going." He said, tapping the younger Cale's shoulder with a serious glance. "My dongsaeng, do not carelessly use your ability. We don't know, later, you might need to use it." He explained.

"Of course. I shall keep what my hyung says." Cale replied.

And so the two older characters--one reduced to his teens and the other looked as if time had stopped for him as he remained into his seventeens-- started walking back from the exit.

The redhead now turned to Raon who had a disapproving look in his face. "Raon, do not carelessly call them." He said.

The young dragon refused to agree. If he had not called Choi Han and Alberu, would this human only be coughing out small amounts of blood?! No! He might even faint if given more time.

Seeing as the child had no plans on simply staying still, the redhead didn't bother. It's not that what Raon had done was useless, while in fact, the child gave him some time to rest and restore his body a few minutes more.

The class continued, now with issues about security as these people in Roan country seemed to have come causing major shock to class 1-A's daily chaotic lives.

Came class dismissals was the time the group had reunited once again as the crown prince and the swords master stood by the entrance of 1-A's giant door waiting for their dongsaeng who was currently continuing his studies.

While the redhead's classmate who saw this seemed to be touched by the two older's unimaginable care for their sworn little brother, Cale felt burdened by this. The attention and teasing he got seemed to have skyrocketed but he chose to ignore such misunderstandings and focused on what information he's gathered in order to return back to their earth.

"The precious treasure of our kingdom, my dongsaeng." Alberu started.

Cale froze at the sudden call. He should be used to Alberu's glib tongue by now, however, his tone was very calm. Too low to even call it empty.

He turned to the prince who was looking seriously at him. "What can I do to our kingdom's great star and honorable hyung?" Cale responded with a praise as well.

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