04. (The Hero Student)

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Cale was very a very ambitious twenty year old

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Cale was very a very ambitious twenty year old...

But of course, his ambition was really hard to obtain that he had to go through a lot of hardships in life and getting entangled with a lot of people he didn't even want to meet again.

What's his dream?

To leave a lazy, quiet and peaceful life.

That was his sole goal. The sole purpose of his very achievement. He didn't want titles or medals. The rewards he wanted was money. Additional funding to his already unlimited family wealth.

So to say, he was 28% close to his dream life.

But the poor young master couldn't even fill that percentage higher because of the war happening.

And now here... a god's test he didn't ask for.

To entertain a bored god. Ah... just fuck his shit...

The game had started fifteen minutes prior.

The mock city was covered in silence and while the four people stood on the entrance, Cale couldn't help but sigh.

Can I take back what I said? I don't like schooling anymore...

His thought drifted to the city that was free to destroy. Well, not like the rehead will really wreck havoc.

How he wished he have the whip so he could talk with the wind spirits to know everyone's location. And also, why the hell is he the only one doing this? Isn't that quite unfair?

Or did each student went the same way he did?

He seriously have a lot of issues here. And while nagging about a lot of things in his mind, he knew he had to do it because it was a requirement to be part of this school.

Playing tag? Well, it's not his specialty but guess he'll make do with what he's currently given now.

"Okay, it's been twenty minutes. You can search for them now." Nezu spoke from the speakers behind them. Obviously entertaining himself like a smart child would.

Cale just shrugged and used his wind to levitate himself in the air. And to his sole disappointment, he can see three locations visible to the human eye where the group must have been thinking that the redhead would simply come after them in the front door.

The bomb was peeking on the window view and he almost wanted to face palm.

He probably should give them some piece of advice... since they're going to be with him here on out his journey to entertain a bored god. And them dying because of carelessness would be the last thing Cale would want in this group of children.

Taking a paintball gun provided for him to tag his targets, he flew towards the nearest and most obvious hiding spot.

And not passing by a minute four children were shot with red paint without a fight as all backs were turned away from the window and towards the door.

The Redhead Commander(BNHAxTCF)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat