15 (Hero Course 04)

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The three individuals finally stopped to a small convenient store where Dabi got himself a cup of instant ramen, a few junk foods, rice balls and cola as he made his way towards the counter then turned to Cale.

"By the way, what did you bring with you?" He asked.

Both Raon and Cale looked at themselves seeing their casual clothing. The younger dragon child brought out a small pouch containing his stack of apple pies.

Then Cale with his wallet before looking back at Dabi.

"Alright, you pay." Dabi pointed towards the scanned foods, the young part timer waiting for the payment.

Both Cale and Raon froze. But as soon the line came long, Cale set aside his still confused look and opened his wallet where he put some cash taken out from his black card to pay Dabi's meal.

Paying the counter, the three made their way to a provided chair outside the convenient store.

Wait, was he actually scammed just now?

The two young boys watched Dabi eat his fill, wondering if they should just leave and find their way. Cale also forgot his phone so he couldn't access the map and he didn't want to fly up again since this is supposedly a walk

All in all, Cale had patiently waited for Dabi and while waiting, he even shared the junkfoods to the boys. The redhead shook his head to decline while Raon ate happily.

"Human, it's delicious." The boy beamed at Cale happily.

"Don't eat too much, it's not healthy." The other replied.


"It's called junkfood for a reason."

"Why would people eat junk?"

"Because it's not exactly junk."

"Then why is it called junkfood?"

"Because it's not healthy."

As the two exchange with Raon questioning the food and Cale answering the query, Dabi glanced at the children amused.

If his brothers or sister asked something like that to him in the past, he would have answered the same.

"You two, are you siblings?" He asked exchanging glances at the two.

"We're not." The young dragon was the one who answered. "But the human took me in with On-noona and Hong-hyung." He ate another piece of crisp.

"Oh. Must be lucky to meet this little duke, huh?"

"Yeah. Too bad goldie gramps call him unlucky." Raon replied.

Cale's eyes twitches. Why did I get involved in this again? He sighed.

"So, kid. What are your thoughts about being a hero?" Dabi turned to Cale seriously, cerulean eyes sparking with interest.

With this question, the young man slightly frowned. Placing a hand on his chin as he leaned on the table. He thought about it deeply remembering the unpleasant memories he has with that word. "That title is only appropriate to the ones who truly strive to achieve it's true meaning." He said.

"So what do you think about the hero who doesn't deserve such title?" That endeavor. Why was he even qualified?

Oh, you mean me? Cale was pleased to hear that someone thinks so, indirectly asking questions like these that is technically about him. He smiled. "If it's undeserving then why do you still ask? Isn't it appropriate to tell to the world that one doesn't deserve it?" Yeah, spread it to the world.

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