(110) We Will Get Married - Moceit

Start from the beginning

Patton gave Janus the look he recognised as the 'why the fuck did you ask me that' look. It was very common, he was not good at acting cool. He could feel his cheeks heating up out of embarrassment. Unfortunately, after eight years of having this fascination with Patton, he still had no reason why he felt that way. It was just weird magic. "Sorry, sorry. You don't have to disclose anything of course. I'm just... here to talk to if you need to."

It was one way to waste the time until classes began I suppose, although Janus suspected that offer wouldn't be taken up. He was surprised when Patton started talking. "That would actually be helpful, thank you." Patton chirped, splashing his face with water for a moment. "I just, um, I mean... I just came out to my parents and they didn't take it well."

"Came out?" While Janus wasn't at the stage of creating flashcards for slang words (he had a cousin like that - it was very annoying) he didn't understand much about modern lingo all the time. The phrase 'came out' was new and he tried gathering it together. What did Patton come out of? I mean he just came out of a bathroom stall and he probably came out of multiple rooms - but which one upset his parents this much that he was crying?

"Yeah. They said I was going to hell and that someone at school made me this way and whatever..." Oh, it's gay. Janus got this now. He'd never met a gay person before but he was sure he could manage this. Gay people were just human right? Patton sniffled a little more but continued to speak. "That's why I'm here early and honestly I'm scared to go back home. But I have nowhere else to go so I guess that's all I can do."

"Live with me."

What was going on in Janus' mind right now? Chaos, that's what. His heart was beating and his palms were sweaty and he was even more confused than he was when he failed that math test last week. He needed to save this though. "Sorry, I mean, I have a spare bedroom and my parents are pretty chill. My sister's a little annoying but that's just her personality." Patton's eyes lit up once he heard that, and he giggled as a light pink came to his cheeks.

"Thank you so much." Patton whispered, leaning closer. Janus' heart could hardly take this anymore. "I'll repay you someday!"


Saturday, 23rd of July 2011

"Where are you taking me?" Patton screamed amongst his giggles, being driven to god-knows-where and commanded to keep his glasses off for the whole journey so he couldn't see a thing. His boyfriend, Janus, was driving him and laughing too.

Yeah, turns out it only took three months of living with Patton for Janus to find out why he was so intrigued by his classmate - and only another month for Janus to get the courage and ask his friend on a date. Now, identifying as a homoromantic asexual, Janus was glad he helped comfort Patton in that school bathroom all those years ago. Now the pair were planning to go to college and become actual adults doing actual adult things.

"Honey, that's not my thigh you're rubbing." Janus laughed, trying to keep his eyes on the road as he lifted his boyfriend's hand and kissed it. Patton chuckled sweetly and quieted down a little so his lover could drive.

"Can you at least tell me where we're going?" It was so cute when Patton pouted, almost irresistible in fact. He was super cute doing anything. Janus couldn't even imagine himself with anyone else but the cutie beside him. The cheery man gasped as he remembered what day it was. "Hey! Is it to do with our anniversary? That's next week!"

Janus laughed and smiled to himself, the pink spreading to his face which luckily Patton couldn't see. It had been three wonderful years he'd been dating Patton - and he had to pinch himself every morning to believe it. He was entering his fourth year of heaven next week. "Well, we're almost here so I can almost tell you." Janus parked in the car park of a local nature reserve. It was a special nature reserve - and for a special reason.

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