We were never a real Family...

En başından başla

...must be nice...

Suddenly a women walked out with a very intimidating expression. She had her arms crossed as she leaned onto the frame of the door.

"Hello Sakura..." Mr.Uchiha stood up.

"...Sasuke..." was all the women said.

Man she is scary...but...she's very beautiful...her pink hair and green eyes...wow...Sasuke...looks good with her...

"Daddy are you going to sleepover?" Sarada looked at him.

"No sorry...maybe you can come over to my house and sleepover." Mr.Uchiha smiled.

"But what about mommy? Will she miss me and Daddy?" Sarada asked.

The women looked at her daughter and kneeled down with a smile.

"No honey...mommy will miss you so much! But mommy won't miss daddy at all!"

Wow...she hates Mr.Uchiha's guts...

"Okay now...lets go inside and talk...then we can go and play at the playground for an hour." Mr.Uchiha patted his daughter before walking in.

Well...he shouldn't take long...wait...if he's taking his daughter to the playground what about me? Will she be confused?

I should just walk home...I'll text him and leave...

I grabbed by stuff and got out of the car.


I froze and looked to see Mr.Uchiha's daughter pointing at me.

"Were you stealing from my daddy!?" The little girl asked.

"Uh...sorry I'll just be on my way-"

"No! You come here Mister!"

Without thinking I ran across the street...

I looked to see her following me...and then I saw a car...


3rd pov

"Sakura this isn't fair to me!" Sasuke said stern.

"Tch nothing was ever fair to me Uchiha! Plus I don't trust that Neighborhood that you live in! Sarada is the source of my life...I dont want her being in danger because of your childish acts!" Sakura slammed her fists.

Sasuke didn't say anything to her but frown.

"Sakura...she's my daughter too...you can't keep her by your side all the time...one day you are going to have to accept that I'm her father...she need to visit me...She's part of my world." Sasuke stated.

Dear, My Teacher...Fuck youHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin