The Gang is Family...But I need both

Start from the beginning

"He's still in his room. He's really upset. But what's the plan?" Choji asked.

"...Everything is going according to plan...they got all of the weapons, ammo, escape roughts, maps, armor, and other stuff." Kiba explained.

"Awsome! We'll be ready!" Choji smiled.

"But...I told him what happened earlier...and he hosted a meeting for us tell the rest...a precaution that has to be taken..."

The boys looked at Kiba in all seriousness.

Naruto's room

Naruto heard the boys speaking and sighed heavily. Suddenly, he heard someone knock on his door.

Naruto hesitantly walked over and opened the door to only reveal his right side of his face. Once he saw that it was Kiba he tried to close the door.

"Naruto wait! I know I'm one of the last people you want to see right now...but we gotta talk...please let me in..." Kiba pleaded.

Naruto sighed as he gave in and let the man inside his room.

"What do you want..." Naruto asked coldly.

"...Its about the meeting...everything is almost ready...but...from today's slip order to prove your loyalty to the gang...we need to get this tattooed." Kiba showed Naruto a picture of the letter A.

"...Ugly..." was all Naruto said towards the picture.

"I know...but we have can put it anywhere....sadly...Leaders have to get it...on the face by the left eye..." Kiba felt his face. Naruto flinched as he looked back at the letter.

"..Kiba...I've been thinking..." Naruto closed the door and brought Kiba to his bed and sat down.

"Yeah?" Kiba blushed.

" if...what if we..." Naruto started to shake. Kiba put his hands on top of Naruto's.

"What if?"

Naruto took a deep breath and looked at Kiba.

"What if...we leave..."


"Leave the Gang...we can be free! I can be with can stay here with me! We can graduate school and get real jobs! And go places...get married! You can find someone to love you.! It sounds like paradise!" Naruto was then caught off gaurd with Kiba pulling away and frowning.

"...Kiba?" Naruto's voice shaked.

"'re asking me to...abandoned my life work...just so you can graduate and be with Mr.Uchiha...Naruto...I've failed school so much...I am part of something where cops are on my ass...I have a chance to get revenge for my Father's death!...and now that we're so want me to abandoned that?" Kiba's voice also started to wobble.

"But Kiba! Would you rather have a life where you are always watching out for cops and other gangs...a life where you can die by anyone's hand!? That's not the life I want you to have! Please Kiba! Leave with me! We can be free from our burdens!" Naruto pleaded. Kiba looked down then clenched his fists.

"...I...I want to leave...with you don't understand. I can't leave until...I have my revenge..." Kiba frowned. Naruto slowly embraced Kiba and started to tear up.

"...Let it go...we don't need to be tough all the please...Lets go and quit..."

Kiba slowly nodded as he embraced his friend.

"Okay...yeah....lets...Lets quit."

3rd pov

"Let's quit...." Naruto slowly opened his eyes to see that he was in his room.

"...Great....just another Memory. Mr.Uchiha...when can I see you again..."

Suddenly, the door swung open to reveal Shikadai.

"Brother Naruto! Let's go and skateboard!" Shikadai smiled.

Naruto looked over and smiled.

"Maybe later...I have to clean the house up....What time is it? Shouldn't you be at school?" Naruto asked.

"My parents just left for work...I don't have school today because of a electricity problem at the school." Shikadai explained.

"Huh...well you can help me clean...then later we can play cards or something." Naruto got up and put a hoodie on.

"What a drag...that's your job to clean! I'll fix the couches but that's it!" Shikadai huffed.

Naruto smirked as he reached for his skateboard.

"I'll tell your parents that you are refusing to listen to order....and that you skateboard behind my back."

"You wouldn't!? My parent think I'm a good kid!" Shikadai pointed out.

"Thats not the stories I've been hearing from them."

"Aw man!? Fine! I'll do my room, and dishes!"

"Heh...that's my little brother..." Naruto patted the boys head.

"Wait...Little...Brother?" Shikadai blushed.

"We yeah...I can't call you my sound better than saying my friends son..." Naruto smiled as he walked out of the room.

Shikadai watched him in awe before whispering to himself.

"...My perfect role model..."


And here is the cute picture after the dramatic chapter!

And here is the cute picture after the dramatic chapter!

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Thanks so much for reading this story

Later (^∇^)ノ♪

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