Chapter 59

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In a blink of an eye, Tang Chunming didn’t have the time to pay attention to the affairs of a few children. The winemaking entered the final critical step-pot distillation. Even Little Asen couldn’t take care of it. He gave it to Zhang Xiu for a while. The old man got into the wine-making wing.

    Because the method is completely earthen, it’s not easy to be separated during the distillation process. The cold water must always be kept in the heavenly pot to allow the wine below to condense and form drops, dripping down the slightly sloping orifice on the side. In the wine jar below.

    The pure and strong aroma of wine permeates the room. The wine produced by this brewing method is particularly mellow and rich. The taste alone makes the throat slippery.

    After the first distillation, the Wutan wine was obtained. After the distillation, the raw materials continued to be fermented for the second distillation. He Lao also felt that the aroma of the wine obtained by the second distillation became stronger.

.After busying for a few days, I got more than a dozen jars of wine. The jars were not big, the size of five catties. After all was over, Li Feng looked at Tang Chunming and felt distressed. Tang Chunming was called fat when he was just out of confinement. After only a long time, people have become thinner. Fortunately, He Lao helped to ensure that there is absolutely no problem with the body. Otherwise, Li Feng will only be afraid of trapping people on the kang to recuperate and implement a fattening plan.

    Wine making is the most tiring, but looking at the results is also gratifying. Tang Chunming made several side dishes and asked people who he knew to taste the wine together. Tang Chunming was still the same as in his previous life, his cheeks flushed as soon as he drank, and his face was always red during the days when he was making wine.

    "How? I want to make peace with this wine?" Although he asked like this, you can tell from Tang Chunming's expression that he was not proud of him, and he was waiting for someone to praise him. .A Lin sat in Li Feng's arms and looked at the wine in the cup curiously. His mother dipped his chopsticks in the wine and delivered it to her mouth badly. His eyes were so spicy that he was crying, oooo, good or bad.

    "Good wine." The man Dashan couldn't boast other compliments, and used the most simple language to express his feelings. Seeing his eyes lingering on the wine glass, he knew how high his evaluation was.

    Zhang Xiu and Shen Fulang are also slowly drinking small wines. In this world full of men, the wine industry is actually more prosperous than on the ancient earth. The imperial court has not issued regulations prohibiting folk winemaking, but wine needs food. For brewing, ordinary people only go to the wine shop to buy some wine and go back during the Chinese New Year.

.When the first emperor reigned, the people’s life was not as good as they are now. At that time, only those high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen pursued good wine. It was a good thing for the people to fill their stomachs. After the new emperor came to power, they adjusted their taxes and the people were slow in their hands. After saving money slowly, the business of those small wine shops gradually improved.

    But one day of drinking was not as refreshing as today. The two brothers also blushed, smiling and pointing at Tang Chunming's bullying of Alin. To say that the best thing about wine is how old he is. He is someone who has tasted royal wine. He shook his head while patted the table and said, "After waiting so long, I finally drank the wine. Let me say it. If Brother Ming sells wine in the future, don’t just sell it cheaply. Well, it has to be added up.” He knew that Tang Chunming was tossing and making money in addition to tossing and eating. This wine is brewed and let him put it. It's impossible to drink only to his family, and he would feel it a pity if it did so.

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