Chapter 32

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Zhang Xiu put down his chopsticks and stood up: "I'll go out to see what happened, Ming brother, stay in the house first."

    Tang Chunming didn't mind, and waved his hand to greet a few children to continue eating meat and vegetables. This night of idleness was nothing but to toss people. In his opinion, it was nothing more than a family conflict caused by the corvee. People serve, who will serve, and if the money is not given, how will the money be distributed? For this matter, there must be trouble in the village these days. It is not a family or two families. In the final analysis, it is nothing more than a poor word, plus each other. If everyone has enough money in their hands, the troublemakers will definitely be much less.

    However, for a very few people of the highest quality, such as old lady Zhao who stubbornly picks money, I am afraid that no matter how much money he pulls in his hand, he is unwilling to take it out, except for his precious son.

    By the way, Zhao Laosan is about to have a test in the hospital, what will be the result?

.Obviously Da Mao Ermao is also more interested in the meat dishes on the table, rather than paying attention to who is making trouble outside.

    It took more than ten minutes before they heard Xiao Hua scream again, and looked up outside. Soon after Zhang Xiu walked in from the yard, Xiao Hua buried her head and chewed on her bones.

    Seeing Zhang Xiu's expression of smiling or gloating, Tang Chunming guessed: "Could it be the Zhao family's trouble? So I would like to see the excitement. I'm afraid it will be a big noise, right?" The noise of the village can also be heard here.

    Zhang Xiuxiao bent over and said, "I really made you right. It wasn't Grandma Zhao who had a fight with Wang Chunhua this night. I didn't expect to have trouble during the day, and I won't let it go this night. It's really good. . But you should rest at home. The road will be unclear this night. If you bump into it, you will kill you.” Tang Chunming glanced horizontally.

.Tang Chunming curled his lips boringly.

    Zhang Xiu didn’t tease Tang Chunming anymore. She sat down and took a sip of the soup, and then said what she had heard: "Did it mean that Wang Chunhua hid her private money during the day? Grandma Zhao didn’t move during the day but she kept staring. As for this private money, when Wang Chunhua was rushed to make dinner next night, Mrs. Zhao ran to Mrs. Zhao’s room to search for it. As a result, Mrs. Zhao found nearly twenty taels of silver. Wait for this. After dinner, Wang Chunhua went back to the house, and found that the house was moved afterwards, looking for money in a panic. No, all the money was gone, so he smashed the house and made trouble.

    "Twenty taels?" Tang Chunming widened his eyes and raised two fingers.

    "Yes, I can't think of it, Wang Chunhua actually hid so much money, think about what it was like when he got married, huh!".Zhang Xiu was angry when she said that. When Wang Chunhua got married, she brought a small baggage. It was really incomparable with Ming's, but life became more moisturized after marrying into Zhao's family. It’s really good for him to be able to pull such money out of Mrs. Zhao’s hands. Now that he has no money, Zhang Xiu has to say what he deserves, and let him have a taste of his brother’s original situation, but for Mrs. Zhao. Bai made a fortune and was very upset.

    "It's this." Tang Chunming couldn't help but put up a thumbs up to admire Wang Chunhua: "Come on, make it a little bigger, what about Zhao Daniu? How to say?"

    "Shit," Zhang Xiu smiled disdainfully, "The ugly man shrank aside, letting Wang Chunhua and Mrs. Zhao get together, and said dryly a few words of persuasion, but who would listen to him, when I left, Zhao The third uncle also went, not as I said, but Zhao Sanshu cared enough about their Zhao family."

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