Crossway Of Fate

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Pov at ???

Sitting in a darkened office drinking his favourite red wine, a white haired person sipped from his cup as he watched with those hungry red eyes his monitors....and the doom of his pet.

Atlas: Tsk tsk.....Not bad....herrescher of the void.....looks like I underestimated you.....

Suddenly the door in front of him opened to reveal a panicked scientist covered in blood arrive and bow awkwardly.

Servant: S-sir.....we recovered her from the acid.....but she barely made it....I dont think she would be able to complete the plan in her current state.....

Atlas only stayed silent before standing up calmly. He walked over to the trembling servant of his and gave him a smile.

Atlas: Now now...why be nervous my dear servant? If you behave....who knows....I wont bite.......much.....

The servant started shaking a lot, which made Atlas laugh as he suddenly turned serious and grabbed him by the neck.

Atlas: You had one job. One. Mother F******ing job. And you dare let the excuse of a valkyrie LIVE?!

He threw the poor servant onto the wall hard, which broke the poor old fellow's back by the impact of the force. While he was coughing, he could feel those red eyes stare at him......more like...his soul....

Atlas: Inform her partner. She will take care of things. I'm still not done yet with Kaylord.....I will make him join me, one way or ANOTHER!!

He flipped a table in rage which crashed and got yeeted into.....nothingness behind him. That's because behind his very office lay a dark secret.....

Atlas: Alas I'm afraid that's gonna have to wait.....Kaylord...oh Kaylord....would you really prefer being otto's chess peice? Or.....a possible ruler with power far more powerful than before herreschers? Although.....if it wasnt for her.....

He banged his hand on the table, completely ignoring his bleeding servant who seemed to be....struggling against an invisible hand choking him.

Atlas: Its not enough she destroyed everything I once had....its not enough she killed half of my team....its not enough that she killed her......

For a moment his expression seemed to slightly soften, before becoming a very angry demon-like Person.


Atlas gripped his fist tightly which made his servant's on it's way to god.


Atlas looked at the mess he did and sighed, wiping off the blood from his suit.

Atlas: And I only bought it recently too....oh well...guess I over did it....Oh dearest~ your dinner is ready~

That's when a huge snake slithered itself to the carcass of the dead servant and....started to rip him, limb from limb, organs, whatever he had inside of him got ripped and swallowed inside its abyss of a mouth that's full of blood and acid.....Atlas watched Calmely his pet until the door opened to reveal a second masked figure and unlike the first, it wore a battlesuit that's all red except for her chest, as it contained multiple devices that glowed with energy.

???: I heared she got wounded badly. I presume you want me to continue the job?

Atlas: Ah my dear darling daughter! Perfect timing~

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