Arise Of The Void Queen

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Well everyone start praying.

Things are about to go down.

3rd person's Pov

Kaylord and Kiana stood shocked at the overseer's words. Kiana grabbed his hand for support since she didn't trust herself with what she was feeling. It seemed that ever since that night something was stirring inside of her. At first she didnt pay much attention to it, but now she started to feel as if she's a bomb. She wanted to run away from all this madness and get away from everyone. But at the same time.....she didn't want to just.....leave her friends....

Meanwhile Kaylord's entire self was breaking down. The only thing that managed to reassure him from giving in to the mad discovery he found was the fact that he was holding Kiana's hand. It managed to reassure him and focus on the threat in front of him.

Otto however was smiling as if he was the mastermind behind the war that just ended as he was walking towards the valkyries only to stop a bit away from them extending his hand as if Kiana was just some object he will experiment on.

Otto: Now now....I'm sure you two had your time to say goodbye. But She comes with me. Now.

Kaylord pushed Kiana behind him as he managed to unravel a metal gauntlet on his arm charging with energy.

Kaylord: Dont come any closer.

Otto: Oh? Threatening now arent we? What do they say... like father like son eh?

Kaylord: you know my father?!

Otto: Oh you mean him? Yeah... as a matter of fact, I sended both him and your mother on "their way"....I'm sure you will be happy to join them wont you?


Otto raised a hand closing his eyes as if trying to remember something, then snapped his fingers and suddenly had a golden gun pointed at Kaylord's head.

Otto: Oh now I remember....they didnt die, that much I know, but your father.... pity, I doubt he could survive much even with your mother's powers.

Kaylord at this point was on the breaking edge as he tried very hard not to break down. Kiana tried to reassure him by squeezing his hand which helped him a bit.

Kaylord: What do you mean my father wont survive? What did you do to him?!

Kiana: Kaylord...

Otto: Oh my dont know? A shame really. I would have loved to explain over a nice cup of tea....but I'm afraid that wont be necessary, because soon you will find out whether your father is dead or alive!

His golden gun started to glow and he snapped his fingers and another golden gun appeared in his hand as a yellow aura started to surround the overseer as he grinned crazily at the valkyries. He knew he managed to break the boy, but what kept him on bay was the Kaslana girl. If otto manages to break him just a little further.....

Otto: Now then........Kiana....i offer you two choices: Either you surrender peacefully to me, or I make you walk over his corpse.

Now it was Kaylord's turn to grip her hand a bit as he was thinking over time. Thankfully even though he banned Ai, that doesnt mean he cant help him. He looked at his core which was sitting undetected and started tapping with his foot in Morse code.

Otto raised an eyebrow over what Kaylord did but didnt pay much attention to it thinking he was just nervous. He locked his gaze again with the girl and readied his guns.

Otto: You really have to push it dont you? I guess I got no have 5 seconds.......4..........3....

Kiana had a shadow over her eyes as she for a moment gripped his hand super tightly, then letted it go walking slowly to the overseer. Otto smiled feeling as if he won as Kiana walked to him.

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