Clash of The valkyrie's

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3rd person pov:

The valkyries were walking back to the dorm until both durandal and rita stopped with serious expressions on their faces.

Rita: Do you sense it?

Durandal: Yeah, it's near.

Kaylord: What's going on?

Durandal noticed that kaylord didnt have his armour with him.

Durandal: Rita, take kaylord with you and inform the others, I will head this way and inform the academy.

Rita: Roger. Kaylord please follow me.

Kaylord: Ok.

As soon as rita and Kaylord walked far enough, Durandal turned around in front of a section of the forest.

Durandal: I know your there, Come out.

???: Impressive, I never thought I did get caught This quick......

A masked person slowly revealed itself and walked towards durandal. She readied her spear.

???: How dare you.....

Durandal: Dare what?

???: He's mine.....mine....MINE!!!

In A flash, both valkyries sparred with their weapons and a fight began.

Durandal:* Why is she after him of all people? He doesn't have any honkai resistance, Is it looking for his creations?*

Their weapons clashed once again before each stepped away from the other for a moment.

???: Not bad for an S-Rank valkyrie, but my business isn't with you,.....

In a blink of an eye she disappeared.

Durandal:* where did she go?!*

Kaylord pov:

I couldn't help but feel something's wrong.

Kaylord: Is Durandal going to be allright?

Rita: She's capable of dangerous threats by herself.

Kaylord: No, there's something.....odd going on.

We stopped.

Kaylord: I can't put my finger on it....but I have a feeling she needs help.

Rita looked at me concerned, but before reaching a decision we heared someone's footsteps and turned around to find....A masked person.

Rita instantly pulled out her deadly scythe and I gulped when I saw her weapon.

Rita: Identify yourself.

???: Why should I? My business isnt with you, it's with Him.

She pointed a sword at me and I flinched. I secretly went to my watch and pressed on a button.

Kaylord: What do you want with me?!

???: My dont remember me? Iam disappointed kaylord.

Rita: Kaylord stay back.

Kaylord: No way i know your strong but I cant sit and do nothing.

???: Please you cant do anything

Kaylord: Guess again.

She managed to dodge my armour's entry and tried to hit it only to fail, and it disassembled and reassembled itself onto me.

???: As expected of my darling.

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