The Ritual Of the.....Gods?

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3rd person pov:

Somewhere not far away from shicksal, a wounded lily tried her best to suppress her other personality while finishing off the last of the Robots.

Lily: *pant*........*pant*.......

???: Bravo. I must say, that was quiet an achievement....

The person that she feared most was right behind her, and before she could do anything she was shot by a some sort of a device that started to inject her with purple liquid.

Lily: Argh!

Otto: My my, now what did we agree on?

Lily: I never.....Agreed......For your bidding!

Otto: Oh? Iam sure you will change your mind in just a few seconds.

???: Yes....Give up control little girl...

She putted both arms onto her head, trying to shake it off, only that it was no use.

Lily: * Kaylord....Iam sorry.....*

Kaylord's pov:

Kaylord: kiana!

I rushed behind her, trying to understand what has gotten into her.

Ai: Above you!

I found a room beside of me and  I pushed myself that way with my Boosters and avoided a chunk of a debris from the roof.

Ai: Kaylord! You fine man?

I stood up, dusting off my armour.

Kaylord: yeah.

Ai: Where are we??

I looked around. It was a large room, covered with symbols and letters that every time I looked at them, i could feel a headache. The way behind me got blocked by the debris.

Kaylord: Welp, guess I have no other choice but forward.....

Few minutes later

I kept walking forward, Ai scanning the walls for clues along the way, trying to translate what he captured.

Ai: Hey kaylord

Kaylord: What.

Ai: Now that were here....can we play a little game?

Kaylord:.........What game exactly?

Ai: Three questions Go!

Kaylord: Oh.....that.....No.

He made a sad emoji on my watch.

Ai: Why?!

Kaylord: We gotta focus man. We gotta find Kiana.

Ai: I know, but we have a long way ahead of us, and dont worry I still got my eyes and ears opened up.

Kaylord: You dont have those.

Ai: Why do you have to always criticize me?!

I chuckled.

Kaylord: Allright fine.

Ai: Really?! YAYY!!!! Can I go first?!

Kaylord: sure.

Ai: Allright! Let's see.....out of all the girls, who do you think is more attractive?

I slapped the watch.

Ai: Ow! Why did you hit me?!

Kaylord: Cause I knew you would ask me questions like that.

Honkai impact The Battle Of Herreschersحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن