A new threat

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Shicksal Pov

Otto: Come in.

Rita came into his office Accompanied by Lily who looked like she might faint any minute.

Otto: So, you managed to restore control. You improved.

Lily: But it's power managed to reach the civilisation world....there's no telling what migh-

Otto: Oh Durandal already took care of that. Rita, status?

Rita: We managed to find only one out of three victims. He's in the testing lab being checked on, while the others.....

She pulled out two tubes, each containing a bit of dust and a bit of blackened cloth.

Rita: This is what remains of them.

Lily Threw up right on the spot as soon as she saw the tubes. Rita hid the tubes in one of her pockets and started to escort lily back to her room.

Rita: Its Allright. You have done what you could. Overseer himself said that he was impressed.

Lily: But that doesn't exclude the fact that I failed.....

Soon lily was layed out on her bed. Rita closed the lights and left, to be encountered by durandal.

Durandal: is she asleep?

Rita: Not yet. Do you wish to see her?

Durandal: Yes. There's something I must discuss with her about.....her other self.

Durandal entered and sat beside lily. She opened an eyelid and turned towards her saviour.

Lily: Iam sorry for-

Durandal: Dont apologize. You did what you could. I was a bit disappointed that the other you didnt put up much of a fight, but at least it's gone for a while now.

Silence. Then......

Durandal: I noticed that you lack self encouragement. She managed to use your loneliness and depression against you didnt she?


Durandal: You dont have to reply. This just confirmes what I have in mind. Sleep tight, you did good today.

Soon durandal and Rita were back at otto's office. Durandal shared her theory with the overseer and he thought about it.

Otto: Hmm....well I did think about it.....it is a possibility, and if it works it could greatly enhance her ability to control her power, which is what I need.....very well. I will think of it.

Then he turned to his maid.

Otto: And how bad was the damage?

Rita: Not too bad. Thankfully there wasnt any casualties, but it covered any shred of evidence of who might have killed our victims.

Otto: I see....

Kaylord's Pov:

Kaylord: Were bac-





Bronya: Nyet. The Bronya found it first. Therefore its Bronya's now.

Kiana: I DONT CARE!!

The living room was a bloody mess. It looked as if a war just happened. Not mentioning the fact that Kiana and Bronya were firing at each other, INSIDE THE DORM.

As soon as both were about to clash again I stepped in and stopped Project bunny's punch and Kiana's kick with my fists( With Ai of course)

Bronya/ kiana: Kaylord?!

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