Unexpected newcomers

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Kaylord's pov:

Despite trying to show Mei that I was totally fine, she didnt stop fussing and worrying about me. Seriously it's not the first time I almost die. But still...i admit i was a bit reckless. I never thought Overloading the firewall will get me where I am now. Hm, I need to probably build some anti-shock system to it.

Besides, I was actually having fun. I get to spend time with my friends in an unexpected place, but still it was fun watching kiana's reaction when she was eliminated the first every time.

Kiana: NO FAIR!! WHY ME?!?!

Mei: If you want we can trade places, iam not really good at these.

When Bronya heared suddenly her character killed itself and Showed that Mei won.

Kiana: WHAT!? HOW DID-

I laughed.

Theresa: Looks like your all enjoying yourselves here.

Everybody turned to the door to find our principal folding arms holding a document.

Theresa: kaylord can you walk? I need you in my office for a moment.

Mei: Um theresa he needs Re-

Kaylord: Iam fine. Really.

I stood up and stumbled a bit, but managed to walk to my short principal.

Smol timeskip to Theresa's office.

Kaylord: So, What is it??

Theresa showed me two documents. I opened them and I felt suddenly uneasy.

Theresa: Those two will be passing an entrance exam tommorow to enter this school.

Kaylord: But what does it have to do with me??

Theresa: Well.....I wanted your opinion.

Kaylord: About what?

Theresa: About him.

I looked at his document and read his name.

Kaylord: Issei huh......wait there's barely any information on this guy. Except for being the .....what dragon??

Theresa waved her hand as to say dont think about it too much. I knitted my eyebrows and decided to do As she said. The dragon part worried me....does that mean he has somehow a power that resembles one??

Theresa: That's what bothers me. Both him and his " sister" too.

I checked the other file. It labelled as " Rias". She had red eyes and black hair. I looked at their pictures and frowned.

Kaylord: To me they look far from siblings.

Theresa: That's what I thought too. They must be hiding something.

I checked her profile. Good at grades....Good at combat....but nothing specific. Just that she's good.

Kaylord:........there connected arent they?

Theresa: Hm?

I stood up holding the documents tightly

Kaylord: First the attack then these two entering? I have a feeling something's big is going to happen. It cant be pure coincidence.

Theresa: Kaylord I hope your wrong but if your right......

I looked at the documents again and was stumped at the small amount of information there. I looked at his picture and noticed he had blue hair and Yellow eyes.

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