Surpassing Limits

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Kaylord pov:

My dream was............weird.

Not a nightmare( Thankfully) but.....kinda weird.

I found myself in a garden. The backyard of my house before it got burned down and invaded by stupid honkai beasts. I looked at a spot and found a younger me Happily layed on the grass, skygazing. I couldn't help but smile. I liked to stargaze a lot too. Instead of trying to sleep, I felt peacful looking at the stars and trying to make out constellations. Maybe Fu Hua can teach me about them. I will ask her if I get the chance. I looked over and found An annoying Cousin of mine. Her father worked( Past tense, there dead) at Anti-Enteropy i think. She would always brag about her superiority and whatnot. She drived me nuts. But she's gone now.

Then why iam I witnessing a scene from my past?

???: Because there is something you have left undone in your past....

I looked around, alarmed a bit.

Kaylord: Who's there?!

The scene changed, and I found myself inside the house, looking at the wall I recognized the blood spill and knew that these were the last days before everybody's death. I went to the living room and found......

Kaylord: Mom...?

She radiated light. She looked like a calm and happy valkyrie, despite her fights with dad. Younger me was on her lap, looking at her face.

Younger kaylord: Mommy why do you radiate light?

Mother: Oh stop it, you flatter me.

Younger me: But you really do radiate light, iam not joking.

Her expression turned into a bit of a concerned one, before pushing her thought away and smiling once again. For a moment, her aura dimmed a bit, but quickly shone back. Weird. A man who I assumed was father entered, and i noticed he had a dark aura around him. What's going on here?

Dad: Dear Iam off to a mission.

Younger me: But you always Go to work! Why can't you stay?

Dad: I dont need you to remind me.

Mom: He's just wants to spend time with you why are you rude to him.

Suddenly dad's dark aura intensified and I remembered this scene clearly now. What will happen next is one of my worst nightmares.

Mom: Apologize, now.

Dad: To a failure with no honkai resistance?! He cant even raise a sword, why do I have to apologise to h-

She slapped him.

Mom: He's our son. Apologize.

Mom's aura brightned a bit, trying to extinguish dad's dark aura. He threw younger me his seathed sword( The one that I keep).

Dad: You know he needs to learn one way or another.

He looked at me

Dad: if you manage to unseath it, I will apologise.

Younger me at that time almost killed himself, but nevertheless managed to unseath it. I dunno why they were expressionless yet happy. Dad's dark aura naturally disappeared.

???: Do you really think it was that simple???

The scene changed once again, to the one where the house got burned.

Kaylord : No......

Instantly, the sky darkened a lot, and honkai beats appeared again

Kaylord: No no no.....

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