She quickly glanced at the white flower in her palm and then let her hand fall, feeling a bit nervous.

'You should not be alone in the forest.', she added. 'It's dangerous.' 

'I needed to get out of the kingdom. I usually have a walk at this time, before the day breaks. Also, I can see I'm not alone.', he said as he gently started walking closer to her. 

Thranduil looked around at the clearing and the old trees surrounding it, a pale blue morning sky starting to creep above them. 

'I know this place', he said softly, his blue eyes suddenly filled with memory. 'I know every single place in Mirkwood. Every tree. Every spring. Every path.'

Tauriel watched him as he was now standing next to her, taking in the place.

'I used to come here with my father and train in archery. Further down, along that spring', he said pointing a finger gracefully, 'I met my first riding elk. It was a rare white one, strong and beautiful, with magic in its blood. It was the first time I saw such a creature. I knew I had to make it mine. It came to me on its own', he added with a familiar proud little smirk she would often see on his face, 'and we bonded through elven magic.'

'I have never seen a white elk', Tauriel said, looking at him a little enchanted. 'What happened to it?', she asked softly, though a part of her was somehow already imagining. 

'It died the day my father was slain. At the Battle of Dagorlad.' 

Tauriel swallowed nervously and looked away again at the desolated clearing, where only a few flowers reminded of its beauty. 

'Come, have a walk with me', Thranduil said, looking at her with an unusual softness on his face.

The sun was now starting to shine through the dense branches and somehow it felt like part of the evil that lurked over the forest for centuries had already lifted. They left the clearing, walking next to each other under the trees. 

'Over there', she said with a smile, pointing with her finger towards a portion of trees and rocks further ahead, 'that's where I had my first mission and annihilated a nest of spiders for the first time. It was both scary and thrilling. I did not want to return until I killed them all.'

'I know', Thranduil said calmly while walking next to her.

Tauriel turned her face towards him with a surprised smile.

'Legolas told me back then', he added. 'I also remember you defeated Aldon in your first sword combat contest that spring.'

'He did not take it too well', she laughed. 

'You were highly acclaimed. You proved your skills in combat and earned my captains' respect.'

'I did not think you would remember it.'

'Of course, I do. This happened right after your trials. Nobody could say that you did not earn your position.'

'However, it was all possible because of you.', Tauriel said, while walking with her eyes down, looking at the fallen leaves. 

They walked down the river path, getting closer to the kingdom, still concealed through by the massive trees. 

'Since we are here, my lord, I have to report to you that we have sent scouts to get news about Rohan and Minas Tirith, as you have instructed. They will tell us more about the enemy's plans and if they have already attacked them by now.'

'Good.', Thranduil replied.

'Dale is quiet for the moment but we do not know for how long.'

'Erebor will surely be struck as the dwarves have refused Sauron's hand therefore Dale will also be struck along with them. It is a matter of time.'

Light and Shadows (Thranduil's story post BOTFA)Where stories live. Discover now