The girls blushed and kept asking questions about him.

Meanwhile Kiba looked at him and clicked his tongue.

"Tch, that guy thinks he's so good woth that fucking smug attitude...I'd outta beat him if he tries to act like that all year..."

The boys laughed and caught Mr.Nara's attention.

"Is there a joke I missed boys?"

"No sir..." the boys said.

"Heh...actually yeah you did...What do you call a try hard that flirts with under age girls? A Mr.Nara." Kiba laughed with a evil smiled on his face.

The girls glared at Kiba while the boys back down on that one.

"Heh...that's funny...lets see...I have a funny one as well....What do you call a super senior that can't graduate? A Inuzuka Kiba."

Kiba flinched while the whole class laughed out loud. The boys also had to try keep it in.

Kiba blushed and death glared at the teacher who glared back.

"Are you done? In my class we don't mess around like that...but since you want to be a drag...I can't at like that too..." Mr.Nara smirked.

Kiba broke his pencil and looked away from him.

"Anyways....lets get started..."

Time skip

Class was over and the guys were packing up their stuff. Kiba however didn't move. Instead he was writing something and grabbed tape.

"What are you doing Kiba?" Sai asked.

"Teaching this hot shot a lesson!" Kiba smirked as he crept towards the teachers desk.

"Awsome! Lets get him!" Choji cracked his knuckles.

"No bro, just me...If I get caught I'll get expelled...I dont want you guys doing that with me." Kiba explained.

The boys frowned but knew they couldn't win him over.

Time skip

Mr.Nara walked in and towards the desk to see a note.

Dear, My Teacher...Fuck youWhere stories live. Discover now