"Because you weren't listening you dumbass. We were asking if you wanted to go on a joyride with us and Hidan tonight?" Kiba stated. Naruto looked at them then at Mr.Uchiha who was grading papers.

"Um...not tonight...I got a lot of homework you know." Naruto excused himself from the others. Kiba glared him down and then at Mr.Uchiha. Kiba frowned and turned away towards the exit.

"Huh? What's up his ass?" Choji asked while Sai shook his head.

"Hey Mr.Uchiha...um...thanks for the lesson today...this might sound weird but...cause of you I actually get what you're trying to teach!" Naruto smiled. Sasuke looked at him and smirked.

"Please Naruto....call me Sasuke...that's my name after all..." Sasuke got up and went towards the doors.

"W-well...I'm flattered that you trust me to use your real name...but isn't it weird when a student does that?" Naruto asked.

Suddenly, Naruto felt two hand wrap around his waist. The blonde flinched when he noticed the doors were closed and locked.

"Um...Mr...Uchiha...the doors."

"Naruto....tell me....where did you go with the boys last night?"

Naruto froze and thought of what he did last night.

"Um...we just...walked around the skate park....then went over to Sai's house...nothing special..." Naruto lied.

"Hm...Naruto...you wouldn't lie to a teacher now would you?" Sasuke lifted up Naruto's chin.

"N-no sir...I would never... " Naruto fell into a trance again. Sasuke got closer to Naruto's lips, almost touching-

"Mr.Uchiha! Mr.Uchiha!"

Naruto opened his eyes to see Sasuke at the door with another teacher.

"Yes Miss Anko?" Sasuke opened the door.

"Why on earth was your door closed? And why is Mister Uzumaki still here?" Anko investigated the room.

"Oh nothing I just caught this guy sleeping in my classroom so I had a little chat with him is all." Sasuke winked at Naruto who only blushed.

"Oh I see! Anyways have you got those documents? I need them for tomorrow's class!" Anko asked.

Dear, My Teacher...Fuck youWhere stories live. Discover now