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Amara's outfit:

Chapter Ninety-Nine⚔ Broken Glass ⚔

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Chapter Ninety-Nine
Broken Glass

"Scott!" Lydia called out as her and Amara walked into Scott's house, "Scotty!" Amara yelled and the two waited for a moment, not hearing anything making Amara sigh and turn to Lydia. That's when she noticed someone standing behind Lydia making her furrow her brows.

"What are you doing here?" She asked making Lydia turn around to see Peter standing there. "Looking for Malia and and I stopped by your house but neither you or your mother were there. What are you doin' here?" Peter asked, "Looking for Scott. Obviously." Lydia said.

"Why?" Peter asked making Amara raise her eyebrows, "Why are you looking for Malia and I? And mom's with Argent." She asked and Peter took a deep breath before answering. "Parental concern." He said making her hum slightly, "Wow, that's a rare occurrence." Amara said making him roll his eyes.

"Why didn't you just call Scott?" He asked and Amara raised her eyebrows, "Why didn't you call Malia or me?" She asked making him sigh. "This... we're not... this is... We're not getting very far with this conversation." Peter making Amara nod while Lydia sighed. "We can't reach Scott." Lydia said and Amara nodded while Peter sighs in a mix of relief and concern, "Well, I can't reach Malia, or anyone- there's reports that several cell phone towers in the area are down." He said and Lydia nodded slightly.

"Okay. That's definitely cause for concern." Lydia said and Peter sighed, "It's more than that." He said and Amara sighed when she realizes what he means. "Monroe and Gerard." She said and he nodded, "They're cutting us off from the outside." He said. "And from each other." Lydia said and Peter nodded, "Which likely means that they've already started amassing troops on their side." Peter said and Amara looks at her father and her sister with a smirk.

"Then we'd better find ours."

Amara, Lydia and Peter, still having no luck finding any of their friends and allies, have gathered in the exam room of the animal clinic to regroup. Lydia anxiously paces around the room, while Peter and Amara watched her, "They haven't been here." Peter said.

"Maybe we should go to the school." Lydia said and Peter sighed sharply, "Lydia, you never said why you were waiting for Scott." Peter said and Lydia sets her palms on the table and leans on it. "Are you sure you want to know?" Lydia asked and Amara glanced from her father to her girlfriend and raised her hand slightly, "I would like to know. You didn't tell me when you picked me up." She said.

"Last night, I woke up saying two words... That may just be from a dream... or might be something else." Lydia said and Peter waits for a long moment for Lydia to elaborate, and when she doesn't, he scoffs impatiently. "What two words?" Peter asked and Lydia sighed softly, "Where's Jackson?" She said and Peter seems appalled by this revelation while Amara pouted slightly.

"I don't know how I feel about you having dreams of your ex-boyfriend..." Amara mumbled making Lydia give her a look while Peter nodded slowly. "That is disturbing on multiple levels. What else?" He asked and Lydia hesitated, which only serves to make Peter more impatient, "Lydia! Don't hold back on me. I've never held back on you." He said making both girls roll their eyes.

"I saw you... turned to stone." Lydia said and Peter looks horrified as she continues. "I was in a storage container. It was steel. There was a blue wall...I saw everyone. Even Derek and Ethan. All of you turned to stone." Lydia said and Amara and Peter glanced at each other with wide eyed before Peter looks at Lydia incredulously.

"Do you ever see anything remotely optimistic?" He asked and Amara pursed her lips and shook her head, "I don't think that's possible." She said and Lydia sighed. "It's optimistic if you prevent it." She said and they sighed, knowing she has a good point, before stopping to think for a moment.

"Storage contain- Do you mean shipping container?" Amara asked and Lydia pauses, her brow furrowed in thought before nodding, "Yeah. I was surrounded by them." She said and for the first time since they arrived at the clinic, Peter looks optimistic.

"I think I know where that is." Peter said and Amara raised her eyebrows, "Then you know how to find Scott and Malia's probably with him."

Deucalion and Scott, the latter of whom has his eyes shut, are facing off under the catwalk in the shipyard. Deucalion has the upper-hand and has gotten quite a few lashes in on Scott with his cane, causing Scott to groan in pain, particularly after the third blow, which hit him behind the knees and knocked him onto the ground making him groan in pain.

Malia, hating the sight of Scott being defeated by Deucalion, whispers to him under her breath, "Hit him!"

Scott's palms flatten against the concrete ground beneath him, and the vibrations he feels of Deucalion moving toward him allow him to identify where he is  and dodge the next cane strike, barely missing getting hit in the face with it. In one fluid motion, Scott reaches out, grabs the cane in his hands, uses to pull himself to his feet as well as pulling Deucalion to him so he can flip him onto his back on the ground.

Scott stands over Deucalion, who chuckles, clearly impressed by his student's quick work, "You might just survive this." He said. Scott opens his eyes and reaches down to help Deucalion to his feet when suddenly, Amara, Lydia and Peter frantically run towards them.

"Scott! Scott!"

Scott frowns in concern as the three join them under the catwalk, "None of us are going to survive this!" Amara said and Scott and Malia, both alarmed by the Seer's statement, look at each other with concern. "What? Why? What are you guys doing here?" Scott asked with wide eyes.

"They're coming! Monroe and more- and they have heavy firepower." Peter said no one in the group has time to process this news before a hail of gunfire is shot toward them.

At least a half dozen of them hit Deucalion in the chest and abdomen. Deucalion's body falls face-first to the ground, and the others look over to find a wall of Hunters in front of them, many of which move to reveal that Monroe is standing behind them.

The army opens fire yet again, led by Monroe, who holds up a black handgun and aimed it at Scott.

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