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Amara's outfit:

Chapter Thirty-One⊚ Currents ⊚

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Chapter Thirty-One

"Good morning! As you all know, Mr. Harris is still missing- I mean sick. Anyway, I'm filling in while we all hope and pray for a more qualified substitute to take my place. Okay, so let's get started, shall we?" Miss. Blake said before flipping pages in a book. As she does this Stiles tapped his table to get Amara's attention as he leans over to Scott.

"Hey, my dad said that the ER attending wasn't strangled but did die from asphyxiation- they just don't know how." Stiles said as Amara turned to them, "Do you think the on-call doctor could still be alive?" Scott asked and Amara sighed.

"Doubt it. I don't think the Darach would risk it." She said and Stiles nodded, "Scott, there's got to be at least twenty other doctors in that hospital at least, you know? Any one of them could be next." He said. Before Scott could say anything his phone buzzes making him pull it out to see Deaton calling him. Sliding down in his seat to be inconspicuous, Scott answers the phone, "Hey Doc. Sorry, I'm in class right now- can I call you back later?"

"Unfortunately, no... I honestly thought I might never have to burden you like this, but I'm afraid, at the moment, you're my only hope. I'm going to be taken. I need you to find me."

"Doc. Doc, doc, doc- what's happening?" He asked but the line goes dead, a dial tone blaring back at him making him sit back up to look at Stiles and Amara, whose eyes were wide.

While his Deputies scour the clinic for clues, Stilinski tries to comfort Scott with Stiles and Amara now by his side. "Alright, we're doing everything we can. Right now, the best thing you can do is go back to school." Stilinski said as he rested a hand on Scott's shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze and then steps out to the waiting area. Scott throws Stiles and Amara a look, gesturing for them to follow into the cage room where they'll be out of earshot.

"We have to tell him." Scott said making Stiles scoff, "You mean, like, tell him? Or, tell him something else that isn't telling him what I think you want to tell him?" Stiles asked making Amara furrow her brows slightly for a second while Scott sighed.

"You know what I mean." He said and Stiles squinted at him slightly, "You remember how your mom reacted? She didn't look you in the eye for, like, a week!" Stiles said and Scott shrugged slightly. "And she got over it! And- and it actually made us closer." He said and Stiles sighed softly, "I don't know, dude... I mean, look at him. Come on, he's completely overwhelmed as it is!" He said.

"He's overwhelmed because he has no clue what's happening." Amara said before shrugging slightly, "He's got people dying in his town- the town that he's supposed to protect- and it's not his fault that he doesn't know what's happening. He's gonna find out sooner or later. I'll be better if he finds out from you telling him." She said.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ➢ ᴀʟʟɪꜱᴏɴ ᴀʀɢᴇɴᴛ / ʟʏᴅɪᴀ ᴍᴀʀᴛɪɴ ⁽ᴳˣᴳ⁾Where stories live. Discover now