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Amara's outfit:
Hospital -

School / Eichen House / Scott's House -

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School / Eichen House / Scott's House -

Chapter Seventy-Four🌒 The Sword and The Spirit 🌘

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Chapter Seventy-Four
🌒 The Sword and The Spirit 🌘

The elevator dings, and Stilinski and Makena turns to see Scott, Kira, Amara and Stiles walling out of the elevator toward him but stop in their tracks and stare in horror at the line of orderlies continuing to wheel the bodies found in the sewers into the morgue. "Who found them?" Amara asked as they walked up to her mom and Stilinski.

"Argent. And he said the Doctors were down there." Makena said and Stilinski  nodded, "He also said you guys might know what this thing is." He said and Scott nodded slightly.."We've got a theory..." Scott said making Stiles nod in agreement, "It's a slightly terrifying theory..." He said and Stilinski sighed softly. "Well, the M.E. said that the victims were killed somewhere else and then dumped in those tunnels." Stilinski said.

Amara furrowed her brows and thought before a moment before realization crossed over her features, "What if the Dread Doctors are hiding the bodies?" She asked and Kira looked at her confused, "Why would they do that?" She asked and Amara shrugged slightly. "They went though all this trouble to make it so this things gotta be very important to them. Maybe they're covering for it. Protecting it, like a parent would their child." Amara said.

"Protecting what?" Stilinski asked and they all glanced at each other, "A werewolf." Makena said. "It's called the Beast." Kira said and Sheriff made a face at this and Stiles shrugs in understanding, "We know. Horrifying." He said and Stilinski sighed.

"We better figure out what we're gonna call Parrish... Because it looks like your guy's dream is coming true." Stilinski said, looking at Amara making her sigh softly.


Walking down the hallway of the school, Scott and Amara glance at each other as Sheriff's deputies walk around with huge, sophisticated shotguns while they listen to an announcement over the P.A. system. "By order of the Sheriff, a county-wide curfew goes into effect tonight at sundown. All after-school activities are canceled until further notice. Students should go directly home at the end of the school day." 

"Is it so hard to just cancel school for a day or two?" Amara muttered as they walked up to Stiles who was talking to one of the Deputies. "You don't think this is a bit much in terms of firepower for a high school?" Stiles asked. 

"Your dad's the one that issued us these things and he wouldn't officially say why." Deputy Strauss asked making Amara pursed her lips and raise her eyebrows, "Did he say anything unofficially?" She asked making him look over at her.

"No... But everyone's got a theory." He said making them more curious, "What's yours?" Stiles asked and Strauss looked at him. "I shouldn't be talking to you guys. Don't you have class?" He asked and Amara smiled and shrugged, "Who cares? Come on, Strauss. You can tell us. What's your theory?" She asked and he sighed and looks around making sure that no one is looking at them talking before leaning forward and lowering his voice. 

"Do you guys believe in the supernatural?" He asked making their eyes widen as they all look at each other.


Amara walked into Lydia's room in Eichen and stopped for a moment at the door looking at the catatonic state of her friend. She took a deep breath before sitting down in the chair next to the bed and gently grabbed Lydia's hand.

"Uh- Your teachers gave me some of the stuff you guys have been working on. They wanted me to hold onto it for you. I saw something about the, uh, Riemann hypothesis... Things like non-trivial zeroes, zeta functions, and a lot of other stuff that I can't even think about pronouncing. You wanna wake up so you can call me an idiot and explain it all?" Amara asked looking down at her hands before looking up at Lydia. 

"You know theres a lot of stuff going on right now where we could really use your help... Like you stopping me from murdering someone." Amara said, pausing for a moment, hoping that somehow, Lydia will wake up, but when she doesn't, Amara sighed in frustration.

"Oh, come on, Lydia." She said in a slight whisper as she squeezed Lydia's hand, "You gotta to come back to us. We can't through this without you. Lydia, you have to wake up. I need you to wake up." Amara said as her eyes went glossy. Just then, a very unhappy-looking Natalie Martin appears in the doorway, giving Amara a displeased look.

"I think that's enough." She said making Amara sigh, not looking away from Lydia or moving. That's when she notices a small bald patch on Lydia's head where her hair has been shaved while Natalie just rolls her eyes in annoyance at Amara not listening to her.


"Sh." Amara said as she moves a lock of Lydia hair aside so she can get a better look at the small shaved patch of scalp on the side of Lydia's head above her ear, "What the hell is this?" Amara asked. "Alright, you need to go." Natalie said but Amara just stood up and looked at her incredulously, "Look at it!"

When Natalie doesn't look surprised by this revelation, Amara glares at her, clearly appalled by this revelation. Knowing her best friend's previous experience with Eichen House makes her immediately think of worst case scenarios about what this means for Lydia. "Did you know about this? What the hell are they gonna do? Drill a god damn hole in her head?" She asked and Natalie looks at Amara, horrified by this assumption

"Are you crazy? It's for ECT. Electroconvulsive therapy. They shave small portions of the scalp. It's done under general anesthesia and it's perfectly safe." Natalie said Amara doesn't look convinced, and Natalie gives her a look before pointing at Lydia, who is still laying completely still on the bed with her eyes pointed at the ceiling. 

"Look at her, Amara. She's my daughter. You don't think I'm trying everything I can to bring her back?" Natalie said and Amara scoffed and raised her eyebrows. "She's your daughter and yet you still put her in this fucking place! Look around you, Natalie! This is Eichen House, there is no possible way that that's ECT! This place wont help her, it'll kill her." 

Just then, Nurse Cross walked into the room with her eyebrows raised, "Is everything all right in here?" She asked and Natalie nods, "It's fine. Our guest is just leaving." Natalie said but Amara just glares at her, not moving. "Amara, go. Or you're not coming back."

Amara took a deep and hesitates for a moment before she finally leaves. While she is walking out of the closed unit when she bumps into two grumpy-looking male orderlies who are walking past her. The orderlies barely pay her any attention and continue on their way. 

She glanced back at then for a moment before looking down at the keycard in her hand before pocketing it and walking out of the closed unit.


Amara, Stiles, Scott, Kira, Malia and Liam all stood around the table that was covered in pictures and blueprints of Eichen House. Scott turns to Liam and nods slightly making Liam set down a book that said "EICHEN SECURITY LOG" on the cover. Amara followed up by holding up the stolen key card from earlier and laying it down as well. 

Scott smiles at the members of his pack before getting a determined look in his eyes, "Now we get Lydia."

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