Chapter 33

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This is it...the final chapter of my sequel! This has certainly been an absolute blast to write. Hope you enjoy!!!!)

(18 months Later...)

(Santana's POV)

"Push can do this. Just a few more pushes" I am stood at Britt's bedside, holding her hand and guiding her through our practiced breathing techniques as she brings our baby boy into the world. "Santana...I can't do IIIIIITTTTTTTT" she lets out one almighty scream, crushing every bone in my hand in the process. "Yes, yes you can do it! Our son is almost here. In just a few moments we will be holding our beautiful baby boy." Britt throws her head back in exhaustion, sweat dripping down her face. "Santana, can't you push for me" all I do is laugh. "No baby, I can't push for you. You know if there was some magical way I would, but I can't" she lets out a throaty groan showing her disappointment in my answer. "Come on honey, just one last big push and your baby will be here" the midwife says encouraging Britt to continue, but in her stubborn ways she doesn't listen. "Brittany, sweetie come on. This baby has got to get out."

"Baby, look..look at me" I pull Britt forward so she's looking at me square in the face. "You have got this, you are the strongest person I know. We have overcome so much together okay, but we are here, we survived it all. And now you just gotta get us over the line with this last stretch okay? You can do this babe" I plant a long sweet kiss on her forehead. "Brittany, you really gotta start pushing for me okay?" Britt adjusts her body, gathering up energy for one last push. "After 3 okay babe. 1...2...3" Britt bursts the eardrums of everyone stood in the room with one last almighty push. "Here he is!!!" The midwife lifts up this little crying squidgy thing, that's covered in all sorts of gunk. But he's our little squidgy thing covered in gunk and we love him in copious amounts already.

"Mrs Lopez, you want to cut the umbilical chord?" the nurse hands me the scissors as I gently cut the chord before our son is taken away to be cleaned up. "We did it babe" Britt says through sheer exhaustion. "No, you did it." We connect our lips for a passionate kiss. "Would you like to hold your son?" The nurse hands Brittany our baby as she cradles him tight to her chest. "He has your nose" Britt points out. "Look at these long arms though, bet he's going to be a dancer just like his mommy" Santana runs her fingers the length of the baby's arm.

About an hour has passed and all we have done is stare at this beautiful little boy. "You guys got a name yet?" The nurse asks us as she walks in with a bottle of formula. "Oh no, we are breastfeeding" Britt cuts in before the nurse warms up the formula. "No, we don't have a name yet." Santana says. "Well no rush, you have a month to decide and register. But in other news, the birth was smooth and both mom and baby are healthy so you guys can leave in a couple of hours if you like?" The nurse explains as she checks over the charts. 


We are on our way home. We had the penthouse completely revamped after the arson attacks, you wouldn't think we were in the same place. Britt has fallen asleep in the back of the car with our son. The familiar sounds from the NYC streets filling my ears, I decide to turn on the radio as I drive over the Manhattan Bridge, the sun about the kiss the horizon, illuminating the city in a gorgeous orange glow.

Hush little baby don't you cry
Momma's gonna love you all your life
And if you ever need a friend
Momma's right there till the very end
And if you're feeling down or weak
Momma's gonna give you all the strength you need
There's nothing in this world that I wouldn't do
For my little Future 'cause I love youIt all can get so out of control sometimes
You can lose your faith, you can lose your mind
Lose your grip, get stripped of your pride
Till you don't know how you're gonna stay alive
And this world can throw you over the track sometimes
Your friends can stab you in the back
Sometimes you just break down
When this life tries to wreck you, I protect you yeahI got your back, I got you
I take your side, I lay my life down for you
I'll crawl over broken glass, I will stand in the flame
Take the bullet, take the blows, I would take all the pain
Anything, anything that you gotta get through
Hey, hey, I got you
Hey, hey, I got youIt all can push you over the edge sometimes
Make you wanna jump off the ledge sometimes
Make you wanna stand up and scream
Make you feel like there is no one listening
This world can put a hole in your soul sometimes
Put you at the end of your road
Sometimes you just break down
When this world tries to end you, I defend you yeahI got your back, I got you
I take your side, I lay my life down for you
I'll crawl over broken glass, I will stand in the flame
Take the bullet, take the blows, I would take all the pain
Anything, anything that you gotta get through
Hey, hey, I got you
Hey, hey, I got you
Hey, hey, I got youI'll be there to stop the bleeding
I'll be there to start the healing
I will give you what you're needing
I'll be right thereI got your back, I got you
I take your side, I lay my life down for you yeah
I'll crawl over broken glass, I will stand in the flame
Take the bullet, take the blows, I would take all the pain
Anything, anything that you gotta get through
Hey, hey, I got you
Hey, hey, I got youI got your back, I got you
I take your side, I lay my life down for you
I'll crawl over broken glass, I will stand in the flame
Take the bullet, take the blows, I would take all the pain
Anything, anything that you gotta get through
Hey, hey, I got you
Hey, hey, I got you
Hey, hey, I got you
Hey, hey, I got you
Hey, hey, I got you

A Love Like No Other: The SequelWhere stories live. Discover now