Chapter 31

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(Tommy's POV)

Santana is my family, there is nothing I wouldn't do for her. She is in her hour of need, her wife and children seem to be in imminent danger, every second is precious, every second counts. I wouldn't want to have allowed anyone else to accompany Santana in the rescue mission of her family. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared. Joel is one fucked up dude, no man or human for that matter would kidnap three young children and flee them across the country to entice their mother on a wild goose chase. We are unarmed and going in completely blind, I feel like the odds are definitely not in our favour. All we have are two tiny ear pieces to keep in communication with one another.

Santana pushes open the patio door and leads us into the eerily silent kitchen, she doesn't say another word, she doesn't look back. She is like a jaguar hunting down its prey, totally focused, tunnel vision for her target. Stealth mode kicks in, she makes her way through the kitchen into the main foyer and tip toes down one of the many corridors in search for Brittany and the kids. I am not a man who feels fear, I try to take everything in my stride. And this situation tonight is no exception. I give myself a few moments, trying to decide which route I want to take first.

"T, you there?" Santana's low whisper comes through in my earpiece.

"Yeah San, I'm here"

"I'm taking lower west wing, I'll map across to the east wing. You wanna take upstairs?"

"I'll head up there now...Santana, just be careful."

"I'm hard as nails me, just like your dick was a few hours ago"

"San, please...not now!"

"I might not make it out of here alive, now is the perfect time to joke about your dick"

"You are making it out alive. We both are"

As quietly as I can I make my way upstairs, treading as lightly as possible, ensuring not to make any noise. All I can hear is my own heavy and slightly unnerved breathing. I reach the top of the staircase and veer off to the left, checking each individual room to both the left and right of me.

"San, I've got nothing so far, what about you?"

"Nope, nothing. Did you turn left or right at the top?"

"Left, why?"

"They're all storage rooms, you're better off checking the other way"


(Santana's POV)

We enter the house and I don't waste another second, I start searching for my family right away. At this point, fear is beyond me. The one true focus in my mind is retrieving my family no matter the cost. Knowing my family are somewhere in this house brings me both relief and uneasiness. They are so close, but yet so far. One thing for sure, I will kill that son of a bitch when I get my hands on him, how dare he think he can just swoop in here, infiltrate Britt and the kid's lives and rip them away from me like this without any serious consequence. I've told Tommy to go and search upstairs whilst I check downstairs. Truth is, this could take some time. I live in a pretty big fucking house, a house that is currently so quiet you could hear a pin drop. No clues, no audio indication as to whereabouts they are in the house, but I try not to think about the square footage that we will cover tonight, I just replay the image in my mind of us all being reunited.

I walk down the pitch black hallways, guiding myself by dragging my hands along the wall. I know this house like the back of my hand, I grew up here, it's my childhood home yet I feel so disconnected from it, I feel violated. My own personal space has been contaminated and taken over by pure evil. My heart is in my throat, my stomach drops with each door I gently push open, afraid of the sight I might discover, but temporary relief follows when I see the dark and empty rooms.

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