Chapter 22

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(One day until the showcase...)

(Santana's POV)

"This is my fault. You're broken, our family is broken, our lives are broken because of me. And I will spend every living moment making sure I punish myself for what I have put our family through. The divorce doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of the karma I deserve" tears building in Britt's eyes, but she takes all the mental strength she has to not let them fall. "Britt, I don't-" she presses her forehead against mine, stopping me mid sentence. "I love you". With those three words she gets up and walks out of the room, not taking a second to look back, even though I am silently screaming at her in my mind to just turn around and look at me. That way, I can tell her I love her too. I want to desperately jump out of this damn hospital bed and run after her, I am urging my body to move but there has been a delayed reaction with my pain receptors and every muscle in my body now agonisingly aches, never mind the slight swelling I have on my brain. But she's worth it...Britt is worth the pain. I yank out my IV's and unhook myself from the machines and clamber out of the bed, I take a few steps and I instantly become dizzy, my vision becomes blurred and a whirlwind of nausea hits me as I collapse onto the floor. I feel a blunt force to the back of my head as I fall to the ground then all goes black...


"Look, look, look! She's waking up!" I hear the familiar high pitch squawk from Lady Hummel. "Give her space, let her breathe. Tina please take your awful smelling herbal tea away from her, we don't need her throwing up as soon as she comes around" Yep...Berry is here too. "Everybody shut up! Somebody call Brittany..." Quinn ordering everyone around as usual. I don't know what time it is, what day it is or what happened to me. But I am exhausted, I feel like I could sleep for a million and one years. I find comfort in knowing everyone is here around me, but I don't have it in me to fully open my eyes and be present in the room with everyone. I allow myself to drift off back to sleep.


"...She's been sleeping most of the day...I'm not sure. A nurse found her unconscious on the floor...she had unhooked herself...I don't know, not until the scans come back.." Britt is talking to someone on the phone, I can make out bits of the conversation. WAIT...BRITTANY IS HERE!? All my sensors go into overdrive and my eyes shoot open watching her intently on the phone. She looks tired, withdrawn and stressed. And all because of me. "I gotta go...she's awake!" Britt abruptly puts the phone down and rushes to my bedside. She invites herself into the bed next to me and pulls my head onto her chest. I cry out in pain so she instantly retracts, worry etched on her face. "I don't even know why my head feels like it's been slammed against a wall" Britt just studies my face, almost not emotion on her own. My Doctor walks into the room unannounced, with what seemingly looks like my scan results. "Santana, not good news I'm afraid" he seems awfully nonchalant considering it's supposed bad news. "How bad?" Britt asks for the both of us. "Not fatal, but not great" Britt grows further annoyed at the doctors vagueness. " what does that actually mean? Or is this turning into a game of fucking charades? You going to act it out for us? Make us guess?" I nudge Britt to shut her up. "Well, due to the stunt you tried to pull yesterday Santana. You hit your head, furthering the swelling. You really have got to take it easy and stop trying to leave this room. You're here for your own health and safety. Basically for your benefit, not mine. I could be looking after sicker people, kids even who have nothing, can barely afford health care. I could be dishing out pro bono surgeries helping those in need. But no, I am here taking care of a self entitled rich girl who thinks she knows better than the medical advice and information given to her. Thinking she is invincible, when in fact she's worsening her condition. So stay in this bed, you do not move for the next 48hrs." He shoots me a distasteful look, then one to Brittany who I am having to keep a grip on so she doesn't lunge forward and knock the shit out of this doctor as he leaves the room.

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