Chapter 25

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(Brittany's POV)

"come on..come on..pick up, pick up, pick up...KURT!"

"Hey B! What's wrong?"

"Where are you and Blaine?!"

"We are currently in the home furniture section of Bloomingdale's. They've got a great sale on Britt. You should-"

"He's took my kids"

"Wait..what? Britt what are you talking ab-"

"Joel. He's took my kids and I don't know where he is, if they're okay, they could be half way across country by now"

"Britt, where are you!?"

"I'm driving around the city looking for them"

"Go home...NOW! Blaine and I will be there, we'll call everyone over to Quinn's. But Britt you NEED to ring Santana's Uncle Mikey!"

"They're my babies Kurt...I-I-I can't lose them"

"Brittany, listen to me. You're not going to lose them. But what you need to do is go home, ring Mikey now as soon as I hang up and we'll all be there as soon as we can okay?"


"Brittany tell me what I just said?"

"I-I-I need to ring Mikey, go straight home and you guys will be here soon"

"That's right. Keep calm okay honey, we'll find them."

Kurt hangs up the phone and I call Uncle Mikey right away just like Kurt told me to.

"Hey sweetie!"

"He's took them Mikey, he took my babies"

"Wait, hold up..what are you talking about?"

"Joel, he took the boys and Isabella from school and I don't know where they are"


"He sent me a selfie, he took my fucking kids!"

"Get back Quinn's now. I'll call in missing persons and get every god damn officer I have available patrolling the streets. I'll meet you there. Don't take any diversions, don't try and find them, make sure no one is following you Britt. I'll see you soon, stay safe"

I hear sirens wailing around the city streets and I wonder how many of them are looking for my kids. I knew Joel was capable of a lot, but not this. I would love to say I don't think he would see harm come to them, but Joel is not the guy I thought he was. He has a dangerous past, he's reckless and doesn't care about the consequences of his actions. But these are my children, the children he put to bed, the children he played with, the children he bathed and took care of. He always treated them with love, I have to believe that side of him is still in there and he's just taken them to get to me or Santana. If I allow myself even for a millisecond to believe he would harm them, I think I might just lose it.

I focus on the roads before me, willing myself to do as I am told and go straight back to Quinn and Rachel's. My mind working overdrive, thinking through every conversation I had with Joel to look for a clue as to where he might have taken them. I scan the busy sidewalks as I navigate my way through the congested city streets, a piece of my heart chipped away with every child I see walking by that isn't mine. Do I tell Santana? If I don't, she may never ever forgive me. Especially if something awful happens. But if I do, I risk her going on a rampage and further risking her own health, I feel like I am stuck in a catch 22 situation, no matter what I do, I will not be able to win. I whip my car into the Faberry's garage. I notice Kurt and Blaine's car already here as well as Mikey's. As I ride the elevator up to their penthouse, flashbacks soar through my mind of my children, they are all I can think about. I can't lose it, not here, not now. I have to remain strong and show no weakness. After all, that's what the son of a bitch is going to want from me, for me to utterly lose it, be uncontrollable, reckless. And I won't.

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