Chapter 32

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(Brittany's POV)

Everyone is wearing bright colours, it's what you wanted my love. You didn't want sadness and mourning. You'd want a celebration of your wonderful life, to be remembered as the fun going, loving person you were. No sad songs to be played today at your funeral, you would want us to party in your honour. It's going to be so hard living life without you. You died saving me and our family, you were so brave through it all until the bitter end, I will live each day in your honour, I will continue to tell stories of you to the kids, telling them what a special, one of a kind person you were and how lucky they were to have had you in their lives. Life will not be the same, the heaviness of your loss will fade with time, but please believe me when I say the weight of the love will remain forever. I miss you, I have missed you every day since you were taken from us, but I promise to live life for you. I love you.

Your favourite song is being blared through the speakers as your brightly decorated coffin is carried down the aisle. You're laid before us at the alter, where your nearest and dearest will share stories, poems and your eulogy. We will cry tears of sadness and laughter remembering all the wild and whacky things you did. I promise we will give you the send off that you deserve, no expense spared. You were actually always so humble, even though your bank account, your lifestyle, reputation and name gave you permission to be anything but that. But you never let it change you. You will always be the goofball who smashed 7 mirrors as we moved into our apartment. I can hear your laugh ringing through my ears, it was a sound I fell in love with the moment I heard it. I miss it. You leaving this world has left a gaping hole in many hearts, but for as long as we are alive your memory will always live on, you are irreplaceable.

Santana hasn't been the same since we lost you, she's become withdrawn, hasn't eaten or slept properly since that night, but she's working through it. Tommy, you became such a huge part of our lives as a family, you were family. And what you did for our family that night in the warehouse in Lima is an act so brave and unmatched, we cannot put into words how we will always be indebted to you. Because of you I have my wife and kids at my side. But I am painfully aware that someone has lost you as their son, their brother, their uncle and their boyfriend. But that risk you took, was typical you. Always putting others first, not thinking of yourself. The love you had for Santana and our kids was unconditional, you'd do anything for them. I am just sorry that it cost you your life.

(Santana's POV)

I'm numb walking down the aisle. Every row of seats are full, around the sides of the church are lined with people. Everyone is here to celebrate you, your life and the wonderful person that you are...I mean were. It's been hard to talk about you in the past tense. I check my work inbox everyday, waiting for your daily report on who your assistant has slept with the night before. I get home and constantly check my phone for a text or a call from you. But it never comes. This is a transition in my life that I cannot get used to, I don't want to get used to.

Right now I am just concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other, not falling to my knees and screaming at the top of my lungs in emotional pain. I feel all eyes on me, wiping away their tears with the sound of my stilettos echoing around the church. My focus is purely on reaching you at the top of the alter. I get closer and closer to you, realisation sets in that you're lay there to rest in the coffin, I lightly stroke my fingers across the top as I walk to the pulpit to deliver a song and your eulogy.

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I am found
Was blind, but now I see
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed
Through many dangers, toils and snares
We have already come
'Twas grace has brought us safe thus far
And grace will lead us home
When we've been there ten thousand years
Bright, shining as the sun
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I am found. Was blind, but now I see

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