Chapter 27

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(Santana's POV)

I wake up alone in the bed, I don't think neither Britt or myself slept particularly well last night. Taking it in turns tossing and turning, both too consumed by worry and anxiety to allow ourselves to fully drift off. I open my eyes a little and see the sun hasn't rose yet, I turn to check the time on the clock on the night stand and realise it's only 4:30am. Where could Britt be? Next to the clock I see a glass of water labelled 'drink me' and two small white pills on a post-it note saying 'take me'. Britt has laid out my medication on the night stand for when I wake up. I muster up just enough energy to reach over and grab the pills and the glass of water.

I can hear voices coming from another room, several voices. I let curiosity get the better of me as I slip out of bed and follow the sound of the conversations. I walk into Faberry's living room to find Uncle Mikey and a couple of police officers in the room with Brittany, they look deep in conversation. "What's going on?". Conversation comes to a stop as everyone turns to look at me. Britt gets up from the couch and walks over to me. "Why don't you go back to bed San?" I don't like her dismissive way with me. "No, I want to know what's going on" I command as I pull my arm out of Brittany's hold and go to take her place on the sofa. "Honey honestly it's nothing" Uncle Mikey places his hand on my knee in an attempt of reassurance, but I'm not buying it. "You're sat in the living room at 4:30am and you're telling me it's nothing?" Britt comes and takes a seat next to me. "Tell her" she says with a nod to my Uncle Mikey who nods in return. "Fine. Hemming and his guys think they may have a location on the kids." For good news the his tone is sombre. "Well that's good isn't it?" I ask in confusion. "They are only 60% sure that the location in question is the one. We really have very little to go on, even by the Secret Service's standards." Mikey explains.

"Hemming and his officers are on their way to said location to search the property for your kids and Joel or for any sort of clue or indication that they were there or where they could be...Brittany and I will be joining them" Mikey lowers his head as he reveals he is taking Brittany. "Well I'm coming too" I command. "No San, you need to rest. I'll go, it's okay" Britt is squeezing my hands so hard I can feel my circulation beginning to slow. "This is such bullshit! They're my kids too and I'm going!" I stand up, but instantly go light headed and lose my balance and fall into Britt who has to stop my fall. "Santana please" she whispers in my ear. I can hear the plea in her voice, the worry. I don't want to cause anymore stress and anxiety for Brittany. I steady myself back down onto the sofa. "I have to do something, I-I-I feel hopeless" I beg to the room. "Just resting and getting yourself back to full strength is what we all need from you right now honey" Mikey says with a warm smile. "Promise me you'll call me, as soon as you get there, if you find anything, if you find them?" My turn to plead with Brittany. "Of course."

Just those few steps to the living area got me beat, Britt walks me back to bed and settles me in. "Promise me you'll be good Santana and stay here. You've got your first check in with the nurse later." Ugh I had forgotten that bundle of joy would be contaminating my space yet again. "I'm definitely coming with you then" I joke, earning a less than impressed look from Brittany. "I'm kidding...I won't be going anywhere." Britt pulls the covers over me and places a small kiss that barely connects with my lips before leaving the room. I don't know how I am supposed to go back to sleep? Britt isn't here, she is on her way with Mikey to a possible location that could either be housing my kids, or lead us to clues of where they could be. But a side affect from my medication is tiredness, that mixed with how early it still is I can feel my eyes beginning to grow heavier, I try to fight it but I can't.


"Morning, want coffee?" Quinn hands me a cup of freshly brewed coffee which I willingly take from her, taking a seat at her breakfast island. "You're getting a belly now" I nod my head in the direction of Quinn's ever-growing bump. Quinn gives me a guilt laced smile whilst patting her stomach. "It's okay Quinn, don't feel bad. We can talk about you being pregnant." Quinn pours herself a coffee and sits opposite me at the breakfast bar. "What time is the nurse coming?" Quinn asks, changing the subject whilst adding sweetener to her all black coffee. "Umm, around 1 I think?" I shrug my shoulders, showing no real interest in the small talk. I keep checking my phone to see if there is any update from anyone. "They'll call you Santana", the constant checking of my phone doesn't go unnoticed. "I know. I just kinda wish they'd hurry up" I lean forward to grab a cookie from the middle of the island, it sends pain shooting through my body causing me to hiss out aggressively. "And I am sick of being so fucking helpless because my body has decided to punish me" I scoff. "Santana, your body isn't punishing you. Your body is trying to recover from the fucked up thing Joel did" Quinn's attempt to alter my mindset goes in one ear and out of the other. "I'm going to take a shower." I slowly turn myself around on the chair and hobble my way to the ensuite.

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