Chapter 29

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(Santana's POV)

"Quinn & Rachel really need to go grocery shopping" I mutter to myself as I close the refrigerator door after being filled with disappointment at the lack of food. "We could go out for breakfast?" Britt asks stood behind me giggling at my disappointment. "I don't fancy it" I say sulking. "Okaaaaaay, well why don't I run down to the store and grab a few things and I'll cook us breakfast? Have a good meal before we face today?" Britt and I decided we would dedicate today to the investigation. Uncle Mikey is swinging by with the SS guy to give us a full update from the past 24hrs. "Sure, sounds good. I'll go take a shower whilst I wait." Britt walks off to grab her jacket and phone. "I won't be long" she gives me a friendly peck on the cheek and she goes on her way.

About an hour later I am fully showered and dressed. I sort of forgot Britt had popped out for groceries, she's been that long. I check my phone for a missed call or text, but nothing. I try and not think too much into it as I know how easily distracted Britt can get. I go and sit out on the balcony for a bit and continue reading my book. My phone buzzes in my lap, it's a text from Britt.

'Sorry I'm taking forever. I got distracted by this homeless man on the street, he said he could read minds, so I paid him $50 to read mine.' - B

"...and did he?" - S

"He said I was thinking about something beautiful...he wasn't wrong" - B

"And what is this beautiful thing in question?" - S

"My breakfast!" - B

"LOL! Just hurry back please, I'm hungry!" - S

I laugh at Britt's response and get back to my book. Before I know it, another hour has passed and Britt still isn't back. I have no time to worry as I hear the intercom buzzing, time for the 24hr update! Myself, Uncle Mikey, Sue and her SS toy boy all sit around the dining table. "Tell me you got something for me?" I say hopeful to the men leading this investigation. "Where is Brittany? Shouldn't we wait for her?" Hemmings says. "She's popped out, it's fine. Carry on" I prompt. "Okay well, we received the intel from the Private Investigator...who was still unnecessary to hire by the way" Hemmings says with a hint of annoyance to his tone. "Hmm really? He still got further than you two did" I snipe back a little too harshly, as Hemmings and Uncle Mikey share an unimpressed look. "Well, no sign of him at the airport. The same card that withdrew cash near the US Postal Service has been tracked being used at a gas station near by. So he's still in the city." Uncle Mikey then puts his glasses on to read his updates. "No new CCTV images captured, the plates he's been using on his SUV were found dumped not too far from the NY 878 so we are tracking street camera's to try and pin the new plates. The images of the two women captured by the PI are still in the process of being refocused, but the IT team are confident we will have those by the end of the day" he takes his glasses back off as he buries his head in his hands.

"Sandbags, we have got to hit the road now. We have a hot threesome scheduled in with Jared Leto, he wants the one Sue Sylvester to braid his hair whilst he yodels naked on a bed of mink." I look at Sue in disbelief, I have heard her speak some utter shit in her time, but this one takes the biscuit. "Okay first of all; ew. Secondly, you need to be finding my kids. Not having threesomes with overrated Hollywood Actors. And from what I've heard, Leto is shit in the sack." Sue's jaw drops in horror at my words. "Jared Leto is one of the finest actors of our time, any man who makes mini Sue tingle is worth her time." Sue says squaring up to me. "Tingle? I am surprised she can even feel anything after you've been roaming this earth for centuries, pushing out babies from your wrinkled vagina" I say squaring back up. "Okay, okay ladies that's enough. Santana, I can assure you once our session of passionate love making has concluded, I will be jumping right back onto your case. In my absence my right hand guy will be watching over everything." All I can do is shake my head at this conversation.

A Love Like No Other: The SequelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant