Chapter 13

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(Brittany's POV)

I asked Santana to stay last night, I tell myself it's because I felt safer having her around after the heated run in with Joel. But really I just wanted her to stay because I didn't want her to go home, it has been a long fucking time since Santana and I have been that comfortable around one another. It made me realise how much I miss her, I think our relationship is too far gone in the process of the divorce maybe for Santana to even consider trying again. I also still have Joel to take into consideration, I was still heavily involved with him. There were strong feelings there, I risked my marriage for him, I can't just throw him aside like he doesn't matter.

I begin to stir and slowly open my eyes, I feel the warmth of her beneath me as her breathing is slow and steady. I soon realise through the night Santana and I must have edged closer and closer to one another, we have ended up with our limbs entangled in one another, moulded against each others bodies as my head is resting on her chest, my leg draped over her. Just for a few moments everything feels like it used to. I savour every millisecond of this moment because within the next three minutes the alarm will be going off and Santana will be woken up and we will be forced to pull apart.

Three minutes...

I take in a deep breath, consuming Santana's scent. The familiar smell of vanilla and coco butter taking me back to when I would moisturise her body after a hot shower, over her smooth, even and unblemished caramel skin. From her shoulders to the tips of her toes and everywhere in between.

Two minutes...

I lightly trace my fingers in small circles on the small portion of skin that is bare on Santana's side from where the tank top I leant her has ridden up. A touch light enough so I can feel the surge of electricity travel through me, but not heavy enough to disturb her from her beauty sleep. Muscle memory has kicked in and I subconsciously find myself drawing repetitive figures of 8 just below her ribs, many nights Santana would fall asleep in my arms at this motion,

One minute...

Sixty seconds left in this safe haven for me. I should probably start peeling my body off of hers to save any uncomfortableness for either one of us. I promise you I try to move, but I know once I let go I won't be in this situation ever again. I am not ready to let her go.

Thirty seconds...

Okay Brittany, you really should move now. I don't. I close my eyes pretending to be asleep, one final deep breath, one final trace of my fingers, one final tight squeeze of her body lay beneath me...


I feel Santana's body wriggle under me as she begins to wake. I feel her body tense with me wrapped around her, she doesn't move, she remains as still as a millpond. I feel her sit up slightly, maybe testing if I am awake. She makes no attempt to wake me, instead her body eases up and she lays back down. Why isn't she waking me?

(Santana's POV)

I am interrupted from my serene sleep by the harsh buzzing of Brittany's alarm. It's 7:00am and we have about 10 minutes until the boys will naturally wake. I feel a heaviness around me as I bring myself to life. I freeze as I realise Brittany has possessively wrapped her limbs around me through the course of the night. I lean up slightly to try and gage how much of a deep sleep she is embodied in. She looks so beautiful and at peace, she deserves a few more minutes undisturbed. I lay back down and slowly engulf her in my hold, lightly stroking her arms like I had done for many mornings for many years. I feel at home feeling like I am back in my normal routine, the routine we had engaged in for as long as I can remember.

(Brittany's POV)

San laid back down and held me in her arms, just for a few minutes whilst the kids were still sleeping. The longer I lay there, the more upset I feel. Upset that this will never be again. "Fuck sake Santana, you can't be doing this" I hear Santana scold herself as she slowly releases me from her hold and slips out of the bed. I am relieved she did, it saves that awkward initial conversation we would have to have. I remain 'asleep' until I know she has left the room. I hear her go down the hall into the boys room to wake them, shortly after I hear the fresh morning giggles of Isabella as Santana carries her down the stairs. Once the smell of coffee starts to rise upstairs I get out of bed, slip on my robe and go down to join my family for breakfast.

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