Chapter 21

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(Two days until the showcase)

(Brittany's POV)

I am so exhausted, I barely slept. I was so worried about Santana, she clung to me all night. Every time I tried to move to change positions or to go the bathroom she would wrap herself tighter around me. I have a million and one things I need to do today, the showcase is two days away and I feel like there is still so much to be done. I send a couple of texts out to the gang group chat asking them if they would help me out, which of course they do. I feel a bit more relaxed knowing things are covered by them, I close my eyes and let myself drift off for some much needed sleep.

What feels like only minutes later I am woken up by a stirring Santana hissing out in pain. "Hey, what are you doing? Lay back down" I say as Santana is trying to sit herself up. "My whole body fucking aches. And this hospital bed is as uncomfortable as they come." She complains, still trying to sit herself up. "Will you quit complaining, just do as you're told and lay back down." I fluff out her pillow and guide her body to lay her back. "Hmm I have missed that authoritative side" Santana jokes. San's doctor walks into the room, clipboard in hand. "Good morning Santana. How are we feeling?" He asks, checking her stats. "Like I have been hit by a truck" she groans out. "No sweetie, you hit the truck. Not the other way around" he tries to joke, but it doesn't go down too well. "Can I go home or what?" Santana snaps. "Unfortunately not" her doctor admits. "Why not" Santana growls. "Santana, you're still under observation. There was no swelling yesterday, but it could be a delayed reaction. You'll need more CT scans and tests done today. Even if they're clear you're going to be in here for a few days to recover." he explains to a growingly frustrated Santana. "Nope, not going to happen. I wants out and I wants out now". She starts pulling at the tubes in her arm, trying to set herself free.

"Santana, calm down okay. Just do what's advised..please" I beg with her, gripping her hands to restrain her. "I won't miss your showcase Britt. I have to be there" she says continuing to struggle against my grip. She is obviously the weaker one of the two of us right now so she admits defeat and allows the nurses to hook her back up with the tubes. "Fine" she replies. "I'll get Artie to film the whole thing okay and when you're out of here we can watch it together." I lay stroke after stroke on her head, she calms down with each touch giving me a weak smile. We both forget that the doctor is stood in the room until he coughs to regain our attention. "I'll sort a CT, a porter will be up soon to take you down" he states before exiting the room. We aren't left alone long before Mike comes in, hopefully with news about Santana's car. "Hey sweetie" Mike says leaning himself over the bed planting a kiss on San's head. "Hey Uncle Mikey" she says sleepily, the pain meds kicking in once more. "Wow, it's been a minute since you've called me that" he says, holding his hand over his heart.

"I don't mean to interrupt the nostalgia, but do you have any news on the car?" I say, breaking the sweet moment up between the two of them. "Uh, yes. We do actually" he says clearing his throat reaching for the inside pocket in his jacket pulling out a brown envelope. "It wasn't him" he states, holding out the report for Santana and I to see. "We found fingerprints and DNA, but it's not his. We don't have a match sweetie, we believe the DNA found belongs to a female. I'm sorry." he says disappointed that he doesn't have the news we were both hoping for. "THIS IS BULLSHIT" I scream getting up from my chair. "WE KNOW IT WAS HIM!" I yell, throwing my arms up in the air. "Britt babe, it wasn't him. The report says so" Santana says as holds up the piece of paper. "He may not have physically done it, but this is him Santana. I know it, you know it, fuck Mikey YOU MUST KNOW IT" I am quickly losing my temper. "Brittany, as much as you want him to have done it, it wasn't him. I can't go after him for something he hasn't done. I can't charge someone on a hunch. Now I think this son of a bitch is guilty and is definitely the mastermind behind all the past days events. But there's no physical evidence" he says as he leans against the bottom of Santana's bed whilst I pace back and forth in front of him.

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