Chapter 14

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(Santana's POV)

"She was at dinner with Joel?" I ask a nervous looking Mercedes sat opposite me. I have a few hours to kill between finishing up work for the day and picking up the kids. So my girl and I decided we were due a catch up/business meeting about her next album. "That's what I heard" she says trying to deflect any responsibility for the statement. "Heard? Heard from who?" I ask. "Kurt. His friend from VOGUE, her girlfriend was at the same restaurant as them. She said things seemed a little heated, she obviously knew who Britt was from pictures Kurt has posted on Instagram and remembers you from a Christmas party you went to with Kurt and she remembered you saying you were married to Britt. So she told him, he told Rachel who told Tina and she told me..." Mercedes explains squinting her eyes to make sure she doesn't miss out any crucial details. "I can't believe her" I say more to myself rather than as an out loud statement. "Did she say what they were talking about?" I interrogate further assuming Mercedes somehow holds all the answers. "Sorry, I don't know...all I know is he seemed pissed off and kept texting someone. The only time he paid attention to Britt was to get mad. But then they left together and they seemed okay?" I don't understand how Britt could even talk to him just yet, let alone go to dinner with him. I don't mind the fact I had to move around my schedule to keep the kids another night. Any time with them is precious. But I am pissed at the reasoning behind it.

"We can do this meeting another time? You seem kinda distracted" Mercedes queries. "No it's fine. I'm okay let's just move on...SO we need to get the ball rolling for creating hype around the release of your second album." I say clapping my hands together, pulling myself and Mercedes from that uncomfortable conversation. "Okay great" she matches my enthusiasm. "I actually have an idea" she puts to me. I nod allowing her to speak. "The showcase." I frown at her. "Come again?", she rolls her eyes at me the way she always does. "Brittany's showcase. Think about it, it would be perfect. It's three weeks before this baby drops, you're going to have every body who is a somebody there from all over the entertainment industry." I nod at the genius idea. "Yes yes yes...if we market it right in the three weeks leading up to the showcase it will be one of the biggest events, drawing more people in, begging for invites which is also good for Britt and the studio as well as yourself. Genuis!" He clink our virgin cocktails together to affirm our plan. "Shoot! I gotta do school pick up. You wanna come?" I ask Mercedes. "Sure, it's been forever since I got my hugs in from those lil babies" she says gleefully. "Trust me the boys are not babies anymore! They are growing up far too quickly."

"AAAAUUUUNNNNTTTTYYYYY CEDES!" the boys almost go into shock when they see who they dub their favourite aunty, stood outside on the playground with me waiting for them to come out. They favour Mercedes over anyone else because she got them a meet and greet with Chance The Rapper when she supported him on tour in Vegas. "Hey babies" she takes both boys into one big hug. We all climb into the Rolls Royce as we go and pick Iz up from creche. "Aunty Cedes can you sing for us please" I give her a smirk as I knew this was coming, they make her sing every time they see her. "Only if your Mami sings with me?" with a smirk on her own face. "I got just the song", she connects her phone up and plays Brandy & Monica - The Boy is Mine.

Excuse me, can I please talk to you for a minute

Uh huh, sure, you know you look kinda familiar

Yeah, you do too but, hmm
I just wanted to know do you know
somebody named
you know his name

Oh, yeah definitely, I know his name

I just wanted to let you know, he's mine

Uh,no, no he's mine

You need to give it up
Had about enough
It's not hard to see
The boy is mine
I'm sorry that you
Seem to be confused
He belongs to me
The boy is mine

A Love Like No Other: The SequelWhere stories live. Discover now