Chapter 24

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(Brittany's POV)

I wake up with a beaming smile on my face, last night sailed flawlessly. No mistakes, no fuck ups and certainly no unwanted interruptions. I keep replaying my dance in my head over and over, catching glimpses of a welled up Santana through the phone screen at the side of the stage. That dance, it was for her, an unspoken communication between the two of us and all of our feelings. Uncertainty is a feeling that has soon become the norm in our lives. Uncertain of our future, of our situation, of what we are. But one thing that has always remained certain through it all, is our love for one another. That might sound fickle coming from me, I cheated on the love of my life, I moved a man into our home, I had a relationship with him. But I always knew deep down I loved her. 

I stretch out my body across the bed, feeling the cool sheets beneath my skin. I don't want to move, the tiredness of the past few weeks hits me like a tonne of bricks, but the noise of my children and their cousins beginning to wake up rudely reminds me I have a school run to get them ready for. I peel myself away from the undeniable comfort of the Californian King in Faberry's guest room and slip into my robe and head down the hallway to the boys room. "Morning guys! You ready for breakfast? Meet me downstairs in 30 minutes okay?" I say through a yawn. The boys themselves reluctantly drag themselves out of bed and go into their ensuite to get themselves showered and ready for school. I head down the hallway a little further and go into Iz's room. She's sat up wide awake playing with her teddies. I'll never grow tired of seeing her big brown eyes looking up at me first thing in the morning and the little excited wiggle she does when she realises it's time to get up and go downstairs for breakfast. I carry Iz down the stairs and place her down in her high chair whilst I make breakfast. I set out three types of cereal and some fruit on the breakfast bar for when the kids come down. I feel tremendous guilt but I am way beyond the point of tiredness to be whipping up batches of pancakes and bacon. "We're setting off early now B, going to drop the kids off at breakfast club then we have a scan, we'll see you at brunch" Rachel says as she rubs Quinn's perfect little pregnant belly as their kids scramble out of the door. "Good luck guys! Hope it goes okay" I say back.

"Hey, mom. Where's the pancakes?" Luca asks me, scanning over the breakfast bar in search for the freshly cooked goods. "No pancakes today buddy. Sorry" I say, handing them each a bowl. "But we always have pancakes mom" Thiago sulks. "It's good to have a change. Now eat, otherwise you'll go to school hungry." I instruct, setting the milk down in front of them, to which they both fold their arms refusing to make their breakfast. "Boys, I'm serious. I'm not making pancakes this morning." I warn each of them, looking directly in their eyes. I place a bowl of milk and cereal down in front of Isabella who decides to copy her brothers actions and refuses. "Luca, Thiago and Isabella Lopez. I am NOT making pancakes this morning, you eat this, or go to school hungry. It's your choice" I scold all three of my sulking kids, I forgot how hard it can be when they all gang up like this. But, in true Lopez style like their mami they all remain firm with their decision to not eat the cereal. "Mami would make them" Luca says making the snide remark. "Yeah well, Mami isn't here right now. I am, so if you're not going to eat your cereal then I suggest you put your shoes and coats on, gather your bags and wait for me to take you to school." There is a small stare-off between me and the twins, none of us breaking eye contact. I cock my brow as they silently communicate to one another with pissed off looks before getting down from their stools to gather their things for school.

"And what about you madam?" I look down at Iz who is contemplating whether or not to eat her cereal, but she pushes it away with her small chubby hand. "Right, that's your choice" I hoist her out of her chair and take her upstairs to get her ready for the day. Isabella's creche teacher is taking them all the Central Park today, so I have dressed her in her rain coat and matching pink wellingtons. "Roar" Isabella makes the closest thing to the sound of a lion whilst holding out her hands. "Roar" she repeats, opening and closing her hands in a grabbing motion. "You want roar?" I ask her. Roar is the sound she makes when she wants her comforter teddy. We all went to the zoo not that long ago and Santana insisted on buying her this Lion comforter and Isabella has been obsessed with it ever since, she takes it most places. As you can imagine it's gotten a little dirty and worn, but she doesn't care. She holds onto it like her life depends on it. I grab the comforter, put it in her little backpack as we head back downstairs to the boys who are sat watching TV on the sofa. "Boys, why don't you have your shoes and coats on!?" I ask annoyed, but I get ignored. "Boys!" I shout out again, they've tuned me out for an episode of Spongebob Squarepants. I stand in front of the TV to gain their attention. "Shoes. Coats. Why are they not on!? Go now please."

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