Chapter 23

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(Day of the showcase)

(Santana's POV)

"...I can't do it Britt. It hurts so much, pushing out the twins from my vagina was less painful than this!" I cry out trough my tears of pain. My condition has worsened over night. "Mrs Lopez, we have been administering your pain meds through the IV drips, you shouldn't be feeling this much pain" a very scared looking nurse calls out nervously to me as Britt is trying to keep me lay down to calm me. "YEAH WELL I AM FEELING THIS MUCH PAIN!" I don't mean to yell, but this is unbearable. "Good morning Santana, how are we feeling today?" The annoyingly preppy doctor has walked in, completely oblivious to the fact, my gown is soaked, the hospital bed sheets are soaked from me dripping with sweat through my agony. "Why is she in this much pain? She wasn't like this yesterday?" Brittany cries out for an answer. "Hmm, well that I am not sure." Dr Preppy consults with the nervous looking nurse as they discuss my charts and assess my IV bag. The nurse keeps shooting me wary glances through her chat with the doctor, I grow increasingly annoyed with her.

"Well Santana, I was here to tell you that we could release you for a few hours for your wife's showcase tonight. But these charts are a little concerning. That mixed with the unexplainable pain you're in, I think more tests and scans are needed to get to the root of this. You are getting worse by the hour looking at your stats." He genuinely looks apologetic as he breaks the news. "Just pump me with morphine and I'll be fine. The worst thing you could have done was give me hope. And that's exactly what you just did, then ripped it from me just as quick. Advice for your next patient...keep your mouth shut!" I hiss out through clenched teeth as I have an a tight grip on the bed railings to try and steady myself through my pain. "Please...just figure it out. San, I gotta dip out for a bit. I promised to take the kids on a breakfast date with Quinn and Liza. I'll bring them by later before the showcase. Please just try and stay calm, we'll figure this out." Britt squeezes my hand and kisses my forehead before leaving the room, the doctor following behind leaving me with the nurse.

I resign myself to laying back down. I can feel my mind melting from laying here day after day just doing nothing. My only entertainment watching the daily love triangle unfold between three young interns each day. The one kind of looks like Britt, she's falling for the cute Taylor Lautner looking intern, but I can see the other girl in the triangle is absolutely in love with Britt's doppelgänger. Every time I see them, it takes me right back to our first day in High School and I clapped eyes on Britt. I remember, even to this day how my stomach flipped at the first sight of her, that feeling never went away, it never got old. I am pulled from my thoughts when I hear someone fiddling with my monitors behind me. "Sorry" she feebly admits, it's the nurse. I watch her intently, the way she moves it's captivating but I don't know if it's in a good way. Her eyes always seemed to be filled with emotion, sorrow, hurt, like she is holding something in that's desperate to get out. "Do I intimidate you?" I ask her, she whips her head around like she is in shock that I have directly addressed her. "E-Excuse me?" she stutters. "You're always so nervous around me, you never look at me, never speak, I would say that's poor bedside manners."

"Sorry, I just...I am just trying to do my job" she stammers. "Hmm, well all I'm saying is a little conversation might make your patients a little less on edge" I shoot at her. "What are you doing?" I ask her as she starts changing over my IV bag. "Just giving you something for the pain". She hooks it back on the stand and leaves the room. Almost instantly, my eyes become extremely heavy, my whole body has relaxed. I don't fight it, I drift back off to sleep, my pain subsiding.


"Why is Mami sleeping?", "Can she hear us?", "I want to show her my new shoes that Uncle Tommy got me" I can hear the twenty questions being fired from my kids mouths. "Mami is just tired okay, she needs her rest. But I know she can hear you guys and she will be super happy that you're here. We'll give it a little longer, if she doesn't wake up then we can come back tomorrow okay?" I hear Britt explaining to the kids. I feel like death, as much as I try to will my eyes to open so I can see their little faces, I can't. Breathing feels like an effort right now. "Oh we have visitors, I'll just change her IV again and I'll be out of your hair." I recognise the voice, it's the nurse. Whatever she's giving me is keeping the pain at bay, but is making me want to hurl my guts up. Again, almost instantly I drift back off.

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