Chapter 6

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(Santana's POV)

I invited Brittany for lunch, partly because I miss spending time with her, but also because I need to confront her about this whole Joel situation, I can't wait any longer. Dynamics have changed a lot in the time I haven't been at home. Communication is a lot better, the bond between me and the kids is stronger. I fear that's because I moved out, if I move back in will everything go back to shit? Is Britt too comfortable now without me there? Is she used to being on her own? Is she happy with me not there?...I just really want to go home, I don't want my marriage to dissolve, we fought so hard to be back together, we overcame drama and crazy money stealing girlfriends, we can't just quit this. I sit at my desk, looking out over daytime New York whilst half heartedly pulling up the small steel ball and releasing it starting off the movement off the Newtons Cradle on my desk. I sit and think up all these scenarios in my head about Brittany and Joel. I don't know how I would cope if Britt was having an affair. Every time I think about it, the wind gets walloped out of me, I don't know if it would be something I could move past, no matter how much I wanted to.

I slip into the bathroom in my office to shower and get changed before Britt gets here. I got us a table somewhere that means a lot to both of us, I'm hoping when Britt realises where we are  going it'll soften her up a bit and won't get too mad when I start asking her about Joel. I use the body wash that Britt always loved me using, the familiar scent of coconuts fills my nose, reminds me of all the times she would take me in the stomach flutters. I can't allow myself to get distracted, I'll be late. I finishing washing off all the suds on my body and step out of the shower to dry myself off. "Shit!" I mutter to myself. I forgot to pick up my towel and underwear, I left them on the couch in my office. I open the door and make a dash for it. I pick up the towel when I hear a voice behind me.

"Do we not need clothes for where we are going Santana?" I slowly turn around, feeling very exposed. I see Britt stood there looking rather amused at my nakedness, she looks me up and down, taking her time. A smirk appearing on her face. "I'm just going to get dressed..." I give a small chuckle. Why do I feel embarrassed? Brittany is my wife for fuck sake, but it has been a while since we either one of us has seen the other entirely naked. "I dunno, I'm sort of digging the birthday suit" Britt plays. As I quickly wrap the towel around me and dash into the bathroom to change. A few minutes later I reappear fully clothed. "Hmm I think definitely preferred your other outfit...but you look beautiful" Britt edges closer and leans in to give me a soft kiss on the cheek, I lean into her touch every so slightly before she pulls away. "Shall we go?" I ask. "Where are we going?" Britt asks. "You'll see..." I reply.


"San...oh my..." I watch as Britt realises where I have bought her to. "This is our...." her voice trails off as her tears visibly fill her eyes. I bought us to The Plaza Hotel where we got married. They have an amazing restaurant that overlooks the city. I feel the sudden contact of Britt's fingers locking with mine. My heart skips several beats, I feel like I am on my first date with Britt all over again. We enter the restaurant and take a seat at our table. "Oh my gosh babe the view is amazing.." I don't respond, I am too busy relishing in the fact she called me babe. The word that would just roll off her tongue like it was nothing, it was effortless. I haven't been called it in so long by my wife, it just all feels...brand new again. "I wanted to bring us somewhere special" I finally say. "How's work going?" Britt asks wanting to fill the silence. "Hectic as per, Mercedes' album is in the top 20 so she's killing that. And the corporation making money like it's air." I say. "That's amazing, I read the journal you published in the Financial Times last week. I'm very proud" Britt casually says as she glides her thumb over my knuckles. "You read it?" I say surprised.  "Of course I did" she says matter of factly. "Santana, just because we are working through things and we aren't quite us at the moment, doesn't mean I will stop supporting you and being your biggest fan" I give her a genuine smile. "Thank you Britt" I place my hand on top of hers.

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