Chapter 3

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(Authors Note)
Before we get into this chapter, there is a song featured called Untitled by D'angelo. Please give it a listen before or during reading this fanfic. It really helps set the mood....

(Santana's POV)

We are sat in a comfortable silence in the car on the way to dinner. We haven't spoken a word since we left, it's not that I don't want to talk I am just so nervous to tell Britt I am in therapy. She has said many times she thinks I need to get help, but she knows I have never taken her up on it. So I am apprehensive to see how she will actually react. On our wedding day we took a vow, to go through thick and thin together, I don't think for one second Britt would bail. But her reaction does worry me. Should I even be worried? It is Britt I am talking about, she is one of the most understanding and kind souls I have ever met.

We pull up at the restaurant, we head inside and are shown to our seats. I requested one of the private rooms the restaurant offers. Well, it's not quite a room, but its a little out the way from the other tables with a screen dividing the two areas. Again, we haven't said a word to one another. I steal glances at Britt when she isn't looking, she seems just as quiet as me, distracted even. "Hey, you okay? You're quiet?" I ask Britt in a concerning tone. "I'm fine, but you're just as quiet. Everything okay with you?" She asks back. "Yeah, I'm good. Just super hungry." I say. The waiter soon comes over and takes our food and drinks order. "Santana, please tell me why I feel so nervous? I feel like we are on our first date again" Britt outrightly asks, her confession takes me back a little. "You're nervous?" I reiterate, she gives me a small nod whilst chewing the inside of her mouth. "Thank god!" She looks taken back by my reaction. "No I mean, I am glad it's not just me who's nervous!" I laugh. "It's been a really long time since we have done anything like this I guess" I see her visibly relax. "Hells yeah! I think I had almost forgotten how to dress up and make an effort" I admit. Britt looks at me with that fire in her eyes " haven't forgotten, you look hella delicious right now" she says whilst biting down on her lip a little, I cock my brow in return. "Not so bad yourself" I fire back.

The ice has been broken and the conversation is now flowing like it always used to. We continue our laughter and girl talk over our food, talking about old memories with the gang, how much we miss glee club and things like that. I suddenly hit with the thought that I brought Britt here to tell her about me being in therapy. A conversation about the kids hasn't come up tonight, which has been nice, it has kept the mood light. The light mood that I am about to probably shatter. I open my mouth to start the conversation, when I am cut off with the feeling of Britt's foot rubbing against my leg. I visibly take a big gulp, which brings a smile to Britt's face. I feel shy and nervous again, I look down at the table and start fiddling with the cutlery. "Sanny..look at me", Britt whispers as her foot is going higher and higher up my leg, I close my eyes and clench my teeth in an effort to concentrate and not get distracted by the throbbing between my legs. "Britt...I...need to tell you something." She still doesn't retract her foot, which is basically up my dress, rubbing my groin. "Mmmhmm" I get in response, I look at her with fear in my eyes. She soon realises whatever it is I need to say isn't light. She retracts her foot and gives me a quizzical gaze. "What is it San?" she asks, now with a hint of fear on her face. I close my eyes and take a deep breath to compose my nerves. "'re worrying me", why can't I just come out with it? "Santana, please?" I can hear panic lacing her voice, she's leaning on the table, getting closer to me to examine my face. My eyes are still shut as I fiddle with my fingers. " to me, please. There isn't anything you can't tell me, you know that?". I take a deep breath, open my eyes and slowly lift my head to look at her.

"....I-I'm in therapy". I study her face for the tiniest bit of anger, disgust or revulsion. Instead I see tears brimming in her ocean blue eyes and her bottom lip beginning to quiver, yet she stays silent. "You are probably disgusted with me, hate me, think I am a bad person. But I can explain. Basic-" I am cut off by a scoffing Brittany. She grabs both of my hands in hers and pulls on them to get me to look at her in the eye. "You could never..ever..disgust me San. And I certainly don't hate you, in fact I think I love you even more right now." I scrunch my face slightly at her words, I was not expecting this reaction. "I have been telling you for the longest time, go and speak to someone. Whatever it is that has been causing you to act like you have been, you felt you couldn't disclose with me. Sure it hurts a little, I am your wife. I do wish you had told me sooner, I don't like the fact you obviously felt like you couldn't and that does sting. But I want you to talk to me. But you're you...and you're stubborn-" I let out a breathy laugh as a tears roll down my face. "-So I am glad you're talking to someone, working on yourself. I am actually proud of you more than anything babe." She lifts her hand and cups my face, stroking my cheek with her thumb as I lean into her touch. "Thank you" is all I get out. I grab a napkin and dab the tears from the corner of my eyes, careful not to smudge my makeup.

A Love Like No Other: The Sequelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें