Chapter 30

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(Santana's POV)

"Tommy I don't know where the fuck you are or what you're doing but I need you now"

"Uh San, I'm kind of... in the middle of something"

"Well can you be not in the middle of it, or in her should I say"


"He's got Britt. He's got her and the kids and they're in Ohio"

"Wait, what? How do you know this?"

"Take a cold shower, get dressed and meet me at the hanger in 20 minutes. We're going home..."


I jump in a cab, making sure Uncle Mikey hasn't spotted me and has someone tailing me as I head to my private hanger. "Is there anyway you can kinda hurry up, I'm in the middle of an emergency" I ask the cab driver. "You're that Santana Lopez right? I see your face all over Wall Street billboards. When was the last time you actually drove around New York City at rush hour?" I don't appreciate his slightly condescending tone. "Just take a left here, then the third right. Then go through the no entry zone at Wendy's and it'll take us right to the terminal" The cab driver frowns at me through the rearview mirror. "Like hell! I'm not risking my licence for you." I reach into my jacket and pull out a few $100 bills and hold them out to him. "Hmm, maybe I can make an exception this time" he grins as he's just made more money within one car journey than what he probably would in a week. He follows my directions and in half the time I am outside the terminal of the hanger. I go through a short security stop and practically sprint towards my jet where I see Tommy already there waiting.

"Santana, what the fuck is going on?" he says exasperated. "How did you get here so quick?" I ask him. "Don't change the subject, can you please tell me what is going on." He asks as we board the private jet where we are greeted by the air hostess. "Can I get you two anything before take off?" she asks politely as we settle into our seats."No thank you, just some privacy" I say sending her on her way. "We'll be taking off in a few minutes" she adds before joining the captain in the cockpit. My phone begins to vibrate against the table between myself and Tommy. I see Uncle Mikey's name flash up on my screen and before I have even answered I already know that he know's where I am, I put him on loud speaker so Tommy can hear it all too.


"Santana please tell me you're not on a plane to Ohio?"

"Okay, I'm not on a plane to Ohio"

"Don't fuck around Santana. You could be in serious danger"

"No Uncle Mikey, my wife and kids are in serious danger. I'm the one brave enough to go and get them back. Who told you?"

"Lily, she was arrested whilst in her hospital bed after you lethally injected her. She will be held in custody. A few threats and she soon spilled the beans on everything. But Santana, this guy is a complete nut job. You may not get out of there alive, let me send back up to you-"

"-NO! This has got to be just me, I have Tommy with me. Everything will be okay"

"I am not pleased about this Santana. Let me call in back up please."

"Uncle Mikey I said no"

"Mikey, Santana and I will be okay I promise"

"I am not taking no for an answer. This man has killed innocent people and not thought twice about it. I'm sending back up and that's final. As a compromise, I'll have them undercover and scattered within a half mile radius of wherever they are. Your task will be to find them and notify us where to send back up exactly to."

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