Chapter 28

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(Brittany's POV)

"Send me that picture Brittany, there's a bit of background scenery we can see if our experts can refocus the image to try and work out where this picture was taken." I forward the image sent to me by Joel to Mikey as he passes it to the relevant people right away. "And you have had no other communication with him since?" Mikey asks whilst not looking away from his phone. "Nope. Nothing. Santana tried ringing the number as soon as the text came through, but it said the line was disconnected." Mikey looks more and more perplexed by the day. "How is she doing?" Mikey asks me nodding in the direction of Santana's bedroom. "As good as she can be, she had another paralysis episode yesterday. It's so damn frustrating not knowing what's wrong with her Mikey. One day she is fine, the next she's not." He senses the tiredness in my voice. "Didn't sleep much?" I give him a deflated shake of my head before he is pulled away by his cell ringing.

Neither Santana or I slept a wink last night. How could we after what Joel sent. Truth is, we were sat up all night trying to solve this whole thing ourselves. Going through every conversation I had, or at least could remember having with Joel about family, friends, vacation homes and anything like that, in hope that I would remember any small detail that may give us even the slightest clue of where he could be with the kids. Santana turned her bedroom wall into something you only see on crime shows. Maps, photo's, news cuttings, mugshots, the lot, retracing all the steps we know he's taken to try and figure out his next. I know we should be putting our trust in her Uncle Mikey and the Secret Service guy, but Santana and I can't leave the lives of our three angels in the hands of other people, we need to go through this knowing we have done absolutely all we can to help and find them.

The tiredness finally got to Santana around 5:30am and she is now spark out sleeping peacefully. Me on the other hand, I am too afraid to sleep. Every time my eyes become heavy and close, the image of my three babies jolts me awake. " should try and get some sleep" I feel the light touch of Kurt's hand on my shoulder. "Hmm? I'm fine, I am not tired" I give him a rather unconvincing smile. "Sweetie, the whole gang have just arrived. We all said hello but you just stared right through us, like you didn't know we were there. You're not tired, you're uber tired. Please, go rest." He gives my arm a light squeeze. "No Kurt, I can't. What if Mikey-" Kurt stops me mid sentence by grabbing my face to get me to focus on him. "I will come wake you." I yank Kurt into me and hug him tightly before retiring to the bedroom to join a sleeping Santana. She has starfished herself on the bed, leaving very little room for me. For the first time in a long time, she looks peaceful and in a deep sleep so I would feel bad disturbing her. I grab the blanket from the foot of the bed and curl myself up in a ball on the chair that faces the bed and allow my eyes to finally close.

(Santana's POV)

I think I finally fell asleep around 5:30 this morning, it's now almost 3 in the afternoon. I groan at the realisation of another visit from my least favourite nurse. I really hate the fact she has to come and check in daily, but it was one of the requirements of my discharge so I just have to smile politely through it. I hear light snores coming from somewhere and that's when I spot Britt curled up in the big chair sleeping soundly. I feel bad that I took up all the space on the bed, she looks so uncomfortable. I climb out of the bed, tiptoeing over to Britt. "B...Britt....wake up. Go sleep in the bed" I lightly shake Britt trying to wake her, but she is knocked out cold. I grab another blanket and drape it over her so she doesn't get cold. I know Britt hates being cold when she wakes up, says it just makes it feel that much more of a challenge to leave the warmth of the duvet.

I grab my Mac off the dresser and go and sit on the balcony. Britt and I have sort of got our own little side investigation going. Yes, Uncle Mikey and Sue's toy-boy are trying their best but the whole investigation is going too slow for our liking. I know a guy, who knew a girl who has a cousin who is a private investigator, one of the best in the business. He could find a piece of coal in the dark. I got put in touch with him, sent him all the info and evidence we already have and some other bits of information Britt recalled from conversations in the past with Joel and now it's another waiting game. I check my emails for any sort of correspondence from this PI.

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