Chapter 26

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(Brittany's POV)

I took Santana's advice, I have come back to Quinn and Rachel's to recharge. I soaked myself in a hot bath, lit some candles and played music. I needed to find my happy place, just for an hour or two. Im now lay in the middle of my bed scrolling through my phone looking at videos and pictures of the twins and Isabella. I'm lay in darkness, the room partially lit from the hallway light. In my peripheral vision I see a figure leant up against the door frame and it startles me until that figure starts to speak. "Hey. Want some takeout?" Tommy doesn't wait for me to reply, he invites himself in and sits on the end of the bed holding out a plate of Chinese food. "Not hungry" I say as I go back to scrolling through my phone. "Okay well...I am under strict orders from one Quinn Fabray to not leave this room until the plate is empty and I got a hot chick waiting in my hotel for me, so could you just do me a solid and eat the food?" Tommy chuckles, making me chuckle "You're a jackass you know that?" I playfully punch him on the arm and take the plate from him. "What you looking at?" He asks, turning himself around more to face me. "Nothing...just some old photos and stuff of the kids. Makes me feel closer to them. It's stupid I know?" I say as I play with the food on my plate. "It's not stupid" Those three words from Tommy seem to be the most comforting thing I have heard today. "You got the vacation videos on there from Bali?" he asks with a gleeful smile from the memories made on that trip we all went on. "Oh my god of course!" I say as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Let me see!" He crawls up the bed and leans against the headboard, patting the spot next to him. "I thought you had a hot chick waiting for you?" I tease him. "Meh, I'd rather stay here and watch the videos" he shrugs at what I have said and takes the plate out of my hand so I can sit myself next to him. He balances the plate on our thighs as we share egg rolls and prawn crackers, just laughing at all the silly photos and videos on my phone. "Thank you" I take a moment to pause and give him a peck on the cheek. For the first time in a week I feel something other than emptiness. This small act from Tommy has meant the world to me, I see why Santana always speaks so highly of him. "Oh shit! I remember that day, T had dared Luca to jump into the sea off those rocks... his day ended up in what? 8...9 stitches?" Tommy tries to recall as we look at a picture of Luca with fresh stitches in his forehead. "It was 11. But I think the telling off he got from Santana for doing the dare was more painful than the stitches" I giggle. "Poor guy, really wasn't a good day for him" we both continue to laugh and share memories of the kids until a saddened silence falls between us. "They'll find them B" Tommy takes the plate from our laps and sets it down and pulls me into him for a hearty embrace. We lay in this position until I am near enough asleep, I can feel the warmth of Tommy's body move away from mine, but I am too exhausted to acknowledge his goodbye as I fall asleep.


"Britt...wake up...wake up" I can feel my body been gently shaken, I peel my eyes open to find Rachel is the one trying to wake me. "W-What's going on? Is Santana okay? The kids?" I ask in my half asleep state. "Just get up, get dressed and come to the living room" Rachel instructs. Still half asleep, I stumble into the shower and stand there half heartedly washing my body as the water falls over me. Within 15 minutes I am dressed and walking into the living room. I can hear an amalgamation of voices all talking over each other at once, but that seemed to be the norm lately.

"Hello Brittany" I stop dead in my tracks and have to take a double look at the person stood in the centre of all the chaos. It can't be? "Sue?" She opens her arms to me as I take my time walking into them, mouthing 'what the fuck' to Quinn who looks just as confused as I feel. "Yes yes yes it's me. I'm here because you're soon to be ex wife sandbags reached out. Apparently I am the only one capable of finding your offspring in this Godforsaken city" she says with a hint of pride in her voice. "No Sue. That's not what Santana said, you're here to bring connections to help me." Uncle Mikey very quickly interjects, correcting Sue of her false statement. "When did you get here?" I ask, she most certainly wasn't here last night, unless she was and I was too exhausted to notice. "About a half hour ago. Which is shocking as no one has offered me a skinny latte with extra skinny cream, a dash of protein powder and a cinnamon stick on top." She says glaring at Rachel, basically telling her to go make it.

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