Chapter 19

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(Four days until the Showcase)

(Santana's POV)

My eyes shoot open freeing me from the awful nightmare I was having. Britt had divorced me, ran off with Joel and took all three of our kids with her, none of them to be seen again. It's not your usual, ghost and ghouly type of night terror, but it's my own version of terror. The fear of never seeing my family again paralyses me, that is a nightmare that crosses my mind not only when I am out cold asleep, but when I am very much conscious too. My body feels like it's on fire, I am dripping in sweat, the bedsheets are soaked. In my nightmares I am running and running and running boundlessly down a single track road, willing my body to go as hard and as fast as it can and then just when it's about to reach it's limit, I push more. Running after the car, driven by Joel, that is taking my family away. The image of the boys in the rear view window, banging on the glass screaming for me to save them, I can hear Isabella's cries from inside the car. But I keep running, knowing in my mind I will never ever catch up with the car, but I run, never giving up the hope of reaching them. It then gets to the same point in the dream, the car goes around this bend, not quite out of sight, I can still see the glow from the tail lights in the darkness of night. As I reach the bend, I always wake up. Countless times I have tried forcing myself back to sleep to return to the dream, just so I can see what happens next, where they've gone. But I never can.

It's silly really, that I try and pick up where I left off with the nightmares, putting myself through it. Even though it's not real, I wake up feeling the rage, the upset and the raw emotion that I feel in the dreams. But as soon as I see a text from Britt or the smiling faces of my kids that day I am soon snapped out of that state and back into reality. Reality is also shit, but at least I know they're here and safe. I told Holly about my nightmares, she sent me for some sleep trials at NY Presbyterian hospital. I was just told I was holding on to too much stress and trying to juggle too many ventures in one go. I instantly dismissed their diagnosis, if that's what you can even call it. I am Santana Lopez, my life is stressful, I run one of those most successful investment companies in the world as well as a record label I started from scratch. Just so happens, my wife chose to get into the pants of a guy who is turning out to be a bit of a psychopath. He actually makes me miss all the Alison drama...who would have thought! I peel myself out of my damp clothes from all my sweat and hit the shower, giving myself little pep talks to urge me through the day.

"Want breakfast?" Britt offers me a plate of pancakes and fruit as I join everyone downstairs in the kitchen area. "Not hungry" I say evidently. "What do you want to do today?" Tommy asks me. I almost forgot he was here, yesterday is now such a blur for me. "I've gotta go to thera-I've got a thing. But I'll call you after?" I almost let slip I was going to see Holly. Britt is the only one who knows I have been going to therapy. It's not that I am trying to keep it a secret, but I just don't want people knowing my private business like that. Not even Tommy. "Okay, well I guess I'll hang here for a bit?" He says looking at Britt to see if it's okay. "Sure! Come with me to the studios if you want? I could use some extra muscle to get the staging set up". Tommy puffs out his chest and flexes his biceps "Someone wants tickets to the gun show" he says jokingly, kissing his prominent muscles that are bulging through the sleeves of his t-shirt. "YEAH TICKETS TO THE GUN SHOW" Luca says as him and Thiago mimic Tommy's actions. "Okay well you guys have fun and I'll swing by after" I instantly dismiss myself from the room, but I can feel the presence of a certain blonde behind me.

"Hey" she grabs my wrist and pulls me around so I am facing her, she is examining my face, looking for any sort of answer to all the questions she doesn't know how to ask. "I'm fine B" I say with as much believability as a guilty man pleading not guilty to murder. "No, you're not. You haven't seen Holly in weeks and now suddenly you're going?" She says not too loudly. but loud enough that I can hear the concern in her voice. "Honestly, I'm fine. It's just a follow up appointment." It's a complete lie, I rang her frantically in the middle of the night begging for her to see me today. "Okay. I'll see you later" Britt lets go of my wrist, I know she doesn't believe what I just said. I can still see her trying to suss it all out in her mind. Before I give her another reason to start questioning my mental state, I turn and leave. I ride down in the elevator which opens up into the garage. A tsunami of fear hits me, my body freezes in its place. The subconscious task of walking, putting one foot in front of the other now seems impossible. I lean forward, gripping onto the frame of the doorway, craning my head looking round to see if I am alone. Obviously the results are not back yet from forensics so nothing is conclusive, but I know in my heart it was Joel who trashed my penthouse. What if he comes here next?

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