11. tutoring with malfoy.

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The following evening, Addy was in the library waiting for Draco to show up. Potions was a typically easy subject for her, so she would have no problem teaching him about it. Books slammed down in front of her.

"Alright, let's get this over with." Draco grumbled. Addy inwardly sighed.

Time to flirt.

"That's a nice ring you got there." she reached out a hand towards Draco's fingers. He jumped at her touch, but didn't say anything.

"I think we should work on healing potions first." Addy said. She instructed Draco to answer many questions. He grumbled, but obeyed.

As he wrote, Addy wondered what could turn him on. For example, calling Harry "The Chosen One" would cause him to lose his entire concentration on whatever he was doing. Draco had to have a weak spot. She'd find out sooner or later.

"Done." Draco thrust his parchment at her. Addy inspected it. All of the answers were correct.

"Oh, well done." Addy hadn't expected a sheet full of right answers, "I think we can start creating the potion. Can you go get the ingredients for it?"

"Get it yourself, blood traitor." Draco snarled, "Or has Potter done something that made you unable to walk?"

"I wish." Addy muttered. She got up from the table to fetch the ingredients, hiding the flush on her face from his last remark.

She returned to see Draco smirking.

"Wrong things." he motioned towards the ingredients.

"What are you talking about?" Addy sighed, "These aren't the wrong ingredients."

Draco thrust the potions book at her. Addy rolled her eyes, but inspected it.

Draco was right. She had gotten the wrong ingredients. She read the wrong recipe.

"Why do you have such poor grades in Potions?" she asked, "You seem to be doing just fine."

He shrugged, "I'll do fine when I want to do fine."

Addy shot him a strange look, but went to go switch out the ingredients.

She also returned with a cauldron.

"Alright, start making the potion. I'll check to see if you're doing it right."

Draco rolled his eyes at her but did as he was told.

"It's a counterclockwise stir, not clockwise." Addy spoke after a while. She remembered how she needed to do her job. She reached over and cupped her hand around his, stirring the potion in the right direction. Draco jumped at her touch, but relaxed soon.

His weak spot was being touched. He was touch deprived.

Finally, the potion was ready. Addy inspected it carefully, "I think you did a good job."

"I wasn't asking for your opinion Aldaine." Draco muttered as he began to put his things away.

"Same time on Wednesday then?" Addy asked gathering her items as well.

"Unfortunately." Draco sneered. He shot her one last look as they departed however.

Addy joined Hermione and Harry in the common room that night, who were eager to hear how things went.

"I think after several more lessons, he'll open up. He was slowly getting comfortable with me, I could tell." Addy reported. Since she had been tutoring Draco, she hadn't had time to work on her homework, so she pulled it out.

"You didn't do anything I told you not to, right?" Harry asked cautiously.

"I don't understand how you want me to make someone fall for me with your rules Harry." Addy sighed.

"I know, but this is the only way. Try to get close to him the best you can."

Addy agreed and resumed her homework.

The following tutoring lessons followed the same process for the rest of the week.

Draco would enter the library, annoyed and irritated.

Addy would start to flirt with him.

He would start to warm up to her by the end.

A week later, their next Quidditch match was against Ravenclaw was coming up.

They didn't have many matches in the last several months, so the team was excited.

Harry and Addy were sitting in the Great Hall, eating their dinner, and discussing game tactics to use in their next match. Ron was sitting with Lavender a little ways off, of course, while Hermione was talking to Ginny.

"Addy." Ginny said, pausing her conversation, "Malfoy's looking at you."

Addy turned around to see that Ginny was right. Normally, Draco would probably be glaring at her for talking to Harry, but this time he was gazing, and not in a rude way.

"The plan's working." Harry said noticing Malfoy. There was no jealousy in his words like there should be.

"What plan?" Ginny asked. Harry explained what he had Addy do to find out what he's up to.

"That's a really good idea, great even. But you're comfortable with this?" Ginny raised a brow.

"As much as I don't like it, it'll be worth it." he responded.

Addy was a little disappointed that Harry was using her to find information on Draco and that he didn't have much of a response to her pretty much cheating on him with his enemy. But it had to be done.

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