16. social media, pt. 1.

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I used to have a social media version of 'chase of desire' but took it down cause I didn't have much motivation to finish it, here it is (in different parts because the images can't all fit in one chapter) This takes place in the HBP as well.

( also the entire social media thing was inspired off from estorine who has the best social media fics so go to their account rn!! )

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-  ↳ = Reply
-  ✓ = Verified
Any word bolded & underlined: Setting (Instagram, group chats names, direct messages, etc)
Any word italicized: Actions (read, deleting messages, etc)
Any word bolded: Name (Username, contact name, etc)

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the elite ones and ron
(participants: harry, ron, addy, hermione, and ginny)

mione: GET UP!
read by harry, ron, addy, ginny

mione: GET UP! NOW!
read by harry, ron, addy, ginny

mione: you did not just ignore me

you: sorry sorry
you: i'm up
you: don't kill me pls 🥺

ginnymywife: just five more minutes
i'm so tired

mione: fine
mione: if you don't then i'll tell your mum

ginnymywife: yes ma'am

mione: ronald!
mione: you have to get up for the quidditch world cup!
read by ron


you: where will he see your hands 😏

mione: stfu addy

viktorsimp: i'm up
bloody hell

mione: good
mione: harry?

conceitedscarhead: sorry i had a nightmare
conceitedscarhead: i require some pity 🥺👉👈
conceitedscarhead: i have a headache

you: do you need some ice?
you: the school nurse says that works

conceitedscarhead: no i want a hug 🙂

ginnymywife: my bestie tom needed a hug but you came along and ruined my chance to get railed 😒

conceitedscarhead: ...
conceitedscarhead: i saved your life

you: harry you shouldn't've gotten involved
you: tom was very seggsy and ginny's lucky to be possessed by him

ginnymywife: yes i am
ginnymywife: harry ruined our friendship and i no longer have tom as a bestie
ginnymywife: #immorebrockenthandracko



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