32. godric's hollow.

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"I want to go to Godric's Hollow." Harry's voice rang into the tent. Addy and Hermione were sitting close, discussing the possible horcrux locations. He had been trying to convince the two to go to his birthplace, but they thought it would be too dangerous. This time, Hermione agreed however.

"I think we might have to go." she said, "It seems most likely that the sword of Gryffindor would be there."

On the night that Ron left, Harry and Hermione had discovered that the sword of Gryffindor had the ability to destroy horcruxes.

"Godric Gryffindor came from Godric's Hollow, didn't he?" Addy remembered skimming through her copy of History of Magic.

Hermione nodded, "He did, the village was named after him."

"I think Bathlida Bagshot lives there too." Harry mentioned, "I was talking to an old man at Bill and Fleur's wedding, he told me that."

"Do you think Dumbledore entrusted the sword to her?" Hermione asked.

Addy nodded, "It's the only lead we have. I think we should go."

So the three discussed the plan. Moods were better than before, now that they had something to hope for.

The night they were to arrive there, Harry and Addy were standing outside, waiting for Hermione to finish packing up her things.

He occasionally glanced over at her. She occasionally glanced over at him.

It was hard to believe how distant they became. A year ago, they probably were snogging or cuddling close.

"Harry?" Addy asked, breaking the silence, "What's going to happen after we get the sword? We're going to destroy one horcrux, but what next?"

Harry looked up into the sky, "I don't know."

The answer was so vague yet specific. His words made Addy feel like there was no hope, but his tone said otherwise; there could be something out there they could find.

Addy sighed. They had been running around in circles for weeks. She wanted some sort of significance to their days.

Harry seemed to notice her disappointment, "We're going to find something soon. Don't lose hope yet."

"How can I lose it if I never had any to begin with." Addy looked away. She felt his gaze on her.

She wanted to melt into his arms and forget about her troubles, but she needed to be strong and face them on her own.

"I'm ready." Hermione's voice came behind them. The tent had disappeared and she was closing her beaded bag.

The two joined her and Disapparated away.

It was snowing when they arrived.

"I still think we should've taken the Polyjuice Potion." Hermione whispered, nervously.

"This is my home. I'm not coming back as someone else." Harry looked around, "Do you think my parents would be in there?"

He pointed to a cemetery.

"I think so." Addy followed his gaze. The three walked close to another as they crossed the street. They could hear the sound of faint carols.

"I think it's Christmas Eve!" Hermione whispered. She was right. Addy could see many wreathes around. There were decorated trees visible from the windows.

As they walked, Addy's mind couldn't help but wander back to what happened a year ago. Other than the Death Eater's attack, she and Harry had shared a very intense moment. She wished they could go back to when the most significant thing was each other. She shook the thought from her mind suddenly as her cheeks began to flush.

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