29. camping.

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Harry buried Moody's enchanted eye in the forest. He thought that Moody would've preferred this over Umbridge's door.

The days dragged by, uneventful. They didn't know how to destroy the horcrux.

"We need to keep it protected." Harry was saying. He slipped the locket over his head and tucked it into his shirt.

"Are you sure it's safe to wear?" Hermione asked anxiously.

"Umbridge wore it. I don't think it should kill him." Addy said from over her bed. She was still healing from being splinched and was strictly directed with bed rest. Same with Ron.

Happiness was rare during these times. Ron kept his radio on, listening for news. This irritated Harry a lot.

"It's driving me mad!" he exclaimed.

"He just wants to make sure he doesn't hear any bad news, Harry." Hermione said quietly.

He tensed up as the radio sounds grew louder and louder.

"Harry, calm down-" Addy began.

"Don't tell me to calm down." he snarled, "I can do whatever I like." Addy was taken aback by his sudden mood swing.

"There's no need to use that tone." she muttered, "You're not the only one that's suffering."

Hermione snapped her fingers suddenly, "Give me the horcrux, Harry. Quickly."

Harry raised a brow but did as he was told.


Harry smiled, "Yeah, loads." he then turned to Addy, "I'm sorry for snapping at you. I didn't mean it."

She looked away, "It doesn't matter. What should we do about the locket then?"

"Should we just put it back in my bag?" Hermione inspected the horcrux in her hands.

"No, I don't think we should just leave it lying around. We'll take turns wearing it." Harry spoke.

Whenever it was Addy's time to wear the locket, she felt more emotional. Tears would form in her eyes occasionally whenever she thought about her parents with it. She would be angrier and in a terrible mood over the littlest things.

Everyone would avoid the person who would be wearing the locket, to avoid any rows.

The hardest thing to do everyday was to find food. Dementors were constantly roaming the markets and shops, so they had to do their best to avoid them. Addy still used the memory of when she first discovered her feelings towards Harry to conjure her Patronus. It was now a bittersweet one, but it still filled her up with happiness.

They were getting nowhere as weeks went by. Hermione had her nose buried in books and would often share her thoughts out loud. Addy too spent her time reading. Ron still listened to the radio, while Harry would stare at the Golden Snitch.

Addy rarely spoke to anyone. This was easily a low point in her life. She wouldn't go through one day without a tear rolling down her cheek. She could be upset over her parents, or Moody, or even Harry sometimes.

Harry would always try to engage in a conversation with her, but Addy would do her best to keep it short. She wanted to keep herself from falling in love with him over and over again. It was hard to do so however. Her long lasted feelings towards him wouldn't just magically dissolve over a short time.

Once she healed from her injuries, Addy would sit outside with a book and fire, occasionally glancing over to the tent, where the silhouettes of Hermione and Harry could be visible. The two spent the most talking with another.

Addy wouldn't help but smile as they spoke. They could make each other laugh even in the darkest of times. They were the perfect sibling pair.

One night, Addy was sitting outside doing her routine of reading and glancing, when Ron joined her, looking rather grumpy.

"Have you noticed that Harry and Hermione have been getting closer lately?" he asked. He was wearing the locket.

Addy knew what he was talking about. He suspected the two growing close romantically, "Yes, they have. But if you watch them closely, Hermione doesn't look at Harry the same way she looks at you."

"What do you mean?"

"She's comfortable around Harry. She sees him as a brother. She's sometimes nervous around you if you notice. She sees you as more than a friend."

Ron gazed at the fire, deep in thought. He finally spoke, "Does it bother you that the two are close?"

Addy shook her head, "No, they've always had a good friendship. I sometimes wish that Harry and I could go back to what we used to be, but I can dream I guess."

"I think he still cares for you, he just wants to keep you safe." Ron said, "You should tell him how you feel."

Addy sighed, "I don't know. I don't want any distractions from our job. I think it's best that we continue what we're doing now."

Just then, Hermione and Harry emerged from the tent, deep in conversation. They didn't notice Addy and Ron outside.

The two watched the pair walk through the forest. They must've heard something because they walked quietly. Hermione and Harry disappeared.

"Do you hear that?" Addy whispered to Ron. He nodded. They could hear voices.

Addy could see several men walking around. Thanks to the enchantments that Hermione produced, they could not hear nor see the four or their tent.

She could hear them speak, but couldn't make out what exactly. They disappeared eventually. Hermione and Harry were now walking back to the tent.

"He could smell my perfume." Hermione whispered to him.

"As much as I like it, you shouldn't wear it." Harry darkly joked as the two entered the tent again.

Ron gave Addy a look, "What do you think the two did over there?"

"Nothing probably. I think they heard the voices as well and went to investigate." Addy said, "Besides, it's not your place or mine to dictate whether they can date or not. You're not Hermione's boyfriend and I'm not Harry's girlfriend."

Ron sighed, "I guess you're right."

The two sat silently, watching the fire. They both had one thing that they desired the most, but couldn't seem to reach for it.

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I honestly hate Harmione (Harry + Hermione) ship. I don't know why but it just makes my blood boil. It's like every guy and girl have to be shipped together just because they're friends. The movies romanticized them which was terrible. In the books, you could see they actually had a sibling relationship, always arguing but still loved each other. Besides, Harry and Hermione don't even seem to work well together. I can't picture Harry falling for someone as bossy as Hermione (though that's a good trait of hers) :)

Dramione has the best fanfics/fanart and I could see it happen, but not really. It's just set up in the right circumstances for a good story.

Ronmione will remain the best slow-burn, friends to lovers story I have ever read.

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