15. love potion.

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Weeks went by, nothing significant happened. Addy carried on with her tutoring lessons, which were making progress.

She and Draco were on mostly civil terms, though not in front of everyone.

After Harry's nightmare, he began to be more open with Addy. He talked about every single thing that bothered him. Many of which consisted of non important problems, from the bright color of the parchment to the blankets on his bed.

Addy was glad that he was more expressive however and put up with his whining.

The two were in Hogsmeade one weekend, in the Three Broomsticks. They were in they're usual spot, holding steaming mugs of butterbeer, sitting close. Harry was holding her hand and couldn't seem to keep a grin off of his face.

"Harry, your smile is making me smile." Addy chuckled. Whenever he was happy, it was hard for her to keep a straight face.

"Sorry, I'm in a good mood today." he said brightly, kissing her cheek.

"What for?"

"Dunno, I just am!" he kissed her other cheek. Addy loved it when he was giddy.

"Did I tell you how nice you looked today?" he asked, bringing his lips to her ear.

"Yes, about a million times."

"I don't think I told you what you look good on." he smirked. leaning in to kiss her again. His lips tasted like butterbeer and were warm. They were grinning as well as he pulled away.


"The bottom."

Addy choked on her butterbeer, flushing  incredibly deep. Harry watched her, satisfied by her reaction.

"Harry James Potter." she finally managed to say, shooting him an annoyed yet amused look, "I never knew you to be so smooth. At all."

"You can find that I'm full of surprises." he grinned and set down his mug of butterbeer, pulling her close again. She too did the same, her hands finding their way to his hair, absently tugging gently on it. She could tell this was easily going to escalate if they didn't control themselves. He moved his lips away from hers to kiss all of the sensitive parts of her neck. She decided they could let this go on a little further as she closed her eyes and leaned her head back slightly.

A shadow came over them. Addy pulled away reluctantly to find Romilda Vane, once again.

"Hello Harry!" she chirped.

"Er-hi Romilda." Harry responded, his tone not friendly. Romilda didn't seem fazed by this however.

"I wanted to give you something!" she thrust Harry a box that narrowly missed Addy's head.

"Be careful." Harry muttered, irritated. He then turned to Addy, "Are you alright?"

She nodded, "I'm fine, don't fret." she pecked his lips, deliberately doing so in front of Romilda, who turned a shade of angry red.

"I hope you enjoy the present!" she smiled, though there was snarkiness underneath. She shot Addy a glare and stalked off.

"Are you going to open it?" Addy asked Harry.

"I think we can already guess what it might be." Harry rolled his eyes.


"Let's throw it out before anyone eats it." Addy said. The two finished off their drinks and left the bar.

"Do you fancy a walk in the forest?" Harry asked mischievously.

She rolled her eyes at him, "You're only saying this so you get to snog me more."

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