27. dobby's return.

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Addy woke up the next morning to see that everyone else was still asleep. Ron and Hermione looked as if they had been holding hands throughout the night. Harry was still asleep as well, his eyes stirring as they were closed. He was probably having a nightmare.

There was a time where Addy would've laid beside and kissed him to ensure a good night's sleep, but instead, she silently got dressed and left the room.

She went over to the sitting room and sat at the piano that Hermione and Ron had been playing at last night. She'd been taking lessons from her mother ever since she was five years old. Addy remembered a song, Fur Elise, which was the most recent song her mother had taught her, before she died.

She didn't know the whole song, but she knew at least half of it. She began to play gently and quietly, to avoid waking up the others. Finally, she reached the part of the song that she always had trouble with. Frustrated that she couldn't get it right, she slammed her hands on the keys. Her mother would always laugh whenever she messed up, and Addy missed it.

"Nice playing." a voice said gently behind her. Addy turned to see that Harry had been standing there, leaning against the doorframe. He looked as if he'd been listening for a while.

"Thanks." Addy looked up at him, "Did I wake you?"

"No, I was already awake. How long have you been playing for?" he motioned towards the piano.

"Twelve years." Addy answered, standing up.

They were quiet for a moment, watching each other. Finally, Harry spoke, "I'm going around the house to check some things out. Can you come with me? I don't think we should be alone."

"Of course." Addy nodded. He smiled and made his way up the stairs, her following him.

They approached a door with a name plate on it.


"I think this is Sirius' room." Addy spoke, inspecting the plate.

"No, I could've sworn this belongs to Filch." Harry rolled his eyes sarcastically.

She couldn't help but chuckle as his sass. Apparently, he still hasn't lost that.

Harry pushed open the door and the two were greeted by a harsh red sight. Gryffindor flags and symbols were plastered on everywhere. It was like he wanted to distinguish how different he was from his family.

There were also pictures distributed around as well. Addy inspected each one. There were pictures that included of James, Sirius, Lupin, and, Peter Pettigrew. There were pictures of Lily as well. Addy was only mildly surprised to see a picture of several women in bikinis. This seemed like something Sirius would've done.

Turning around, she could see that Harry had picked up a letter on the floor. He had a faint smile as he read. He then looked up to Addy and handed her the note.

It was written by Lily Potter, his mother. The letter mostly described Lily speaking about Bathlida Bagshot, the author of History of Magic. It cut off as Lily began to mention Dumbledore however.

Addy looked up at Harry curiously, wondering what the rest of the letter would've said. He then handed her a picture.

"This was with the letter." he said quietly. Addy smiled at the sight of it. There was a dark haired baby zooming in and out of the frame, laughing wildly. A pair of long legs were chasing after it, presumably Harry's father.

"You always were good on your broom." Addy chuckled. A small smile formed on his lips as he watched her.

"I don't know what happened to the rest of that letter though. Maybe we'll find it if we look around." he began to look through the drawers and shelves. Addy did the same.

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