28. ministry break in.

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Days later, the four had a plan to break into the Ministry.

They would take Polyjuice Potion to change themselves into Ministry workers. The plan was to enter and find Umbridge. This was highly risky since Harry and Addy were both in hiding. They had no other option though.

Addy wasn't sure if she could walk into the Ministry the same way she did two years ago. Too much had changed in such a little time.

Finally, the day arrived where they would hatch their plan. Addy and Harry were hidden under the cloak as Hermione and Ron searched for workers to capture.

They stunned one woman who had been briskly making her way to work.

"She's Mafalda Hopkirk." Ron whispered, reading her identity card as Addy pulled out a little of her hair, "Hermione, you can take this one."

She nodded and they quickly tossed the hair into the Polyjuice Potion. She took a sip and her appearance changed to resemble the older woman.

"Another one's coming." Harry whispered. A small man then walked into the area. They had hidden the real Mafalda's body thankfully, so he wouldn't see it.

"Hello!" Hermione as Mafalda said brightly, "Have a sweet." she held up a Puking Pastille.

"Er- no thanks." the man shook his head, "I'm not hungry."

"I insist." Hermione shoved the Pastille towards him. He reluctantly took it. As soon as the Pastille touched his tongue, he began to violently vomit on the floor. Ron seized a chunk of his hair as he was doing so.

The man then Disapparated away, mumbling something about going to Saint Mungo's Hospital.

"Ron will take this one." Hermione kept the hair placed the hair into the potion, "His name is Reg Cattermole."

Ron took the potion and his appearance also began to change.

"You two stay here." Hermione said, "Ron and I will find someone for you."

Harry and Addy stood close together under the cloak. It was an awkward silence, which was new for them. They could spend hours together without saying a word. Things have changed.

"Your dad used to work here, didn't he?" Harry asked after a while. Addy nodded.

"He worked in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement." Addy responded, "He didn't like his job much however."

Hermione and Ron quickly appeared back, holding two chunks of hair. They put it into the potion for Addy and Harry to drink.

"Addy, you'll be changing into Maryam Hyde. Harry we found someone for you, but we don't know his name."

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I didn't have a clue who are other female Ministry workers so I just made up Maryam Hyde.

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Addy took a sip of the potion and felt herself gain height. Maryam must've been a tall woman because she towered over both Hermione and Ron. Harry had taken the form of a very tall man as well.

"Come on, we better go." Hermione said, leading everyone to the Ministry entrance. There were two long lines there.

"I think we have to split up." Addy noticed that one line consisted of only males while another was females.

Addy and Hermione joined the line. They shot each other curious looks as women were entering the stalls. A loud flush would sound and another woman would enter.

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